How to Be a Better Reader [Tips, Habits & Mistakes to Avoid]

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April 4, 2024
min read
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Picture this! It’s a busy day, work’s piling up, and the hectic rhythm threatens to drive you mad, but then you enter your sanctuary and a new world unfolds before you. Every reader is familiar with the feeling of anticipation, of getting home and burying your nose in a good book—and don’t get us started on the chemical reactions that happen inside our heads on rainy days… So, the minute tight office clothes are replaced by comfy pajamas and a steaming cup is placed on the nightstand, all else fades into the background. A reader's life is filled with challenges, debates, riddles, and adventure. 

A reader is more than just a bibliophile, it’s someone tasked with the defense of castles, the protection of mighty secrets, and the unfolding of mysteries. Twisting the famous narrative, the reader is the damsel in distress no more, they are the valiant knight in shining armor, who will risk his life venturing into uncharted lands and unknown realms all for the sake of his soul. No matter what type of reader you are and what kind of books you like, you wear your adventures like badges of honor and no one can convince you there is a better way to spend your time known to man. 

A good reader is able to navigate through the carefully woven nuances the author has hidden in the text while strategically collecting useful information for their future quests. A good reader is a thinker and does not know when to give up so they must keep reading as if their life depends on it. But the most vital feature of a good reader is their ability to enjoy reading as if it’s the first time they have picked up a book. 

But what of the bookworms, who need some assistance to achieve the noble status of reader Captain? Well, we have your back when dealing with bookworm problems. No bookworm shall be left alone in the journey to glory!

How to Become a Better Reader

Let’s see what kind of feats a knight must accomplish to reach the top. 

1. Schedule Your Shift

No knight would go to battle without having done their daily training, so any reader should set aside time to read. It might seem trivial, but finding the amount of time and the specific time of day that suits you most for book reading is crucial. If you’re a night owl, then the evening is your battlefield, with fewer distractions to ruin your focus and plenty of hours to get lost until dawn. For our morning birds, perhaps an early start by waking earlier would be preferred, and it could even improve the mood of the whole day. Being vigilant and consistent in your reading time is vital to strengthen your fantastical swordsmanship skills, so stick to a reading schedule as a new recruit. 

2. Keep Your Weapons Sharpened

A good reader must be equipped with the necessary tools. Their weapons of choice should be set in an orderly fashion and always within reach. Whether it is a pencil for taking notes, a cute pastel marker, or an annotating kit with colorful sticky bookmarks, it will serve you well when stumbling upon a tear-wrenching quote or a breathtaking confession. Even the plain old dog ears, can help signify a part that demands to be revisited. Even if you do not partake in re-reading often, underlining your favorite parts will help you commit them to memory. Another good idea would be to collect them all in a separate notebook; your personal armor against boredom, uninspired afternoons and dull evenings. 

3. Mind Your Surroundings

Like any good soldier, knowing your surroundings is key to achieving your goal and ambushing your enemy. Choosing your reading environment strategically is the way to go. A quiet and cozy place, whether it’s your comfy armchair or a window seat in a small café, can offer fewer chances for distraction and can even add to your experience. Adequate lighting is also essential, you wouldn’t want to strain your sword arm or feel sleepy in the midst of a spicy chapter. Moreover, sitting at your desk is suggested by experienced imaginary battle tacticians, but for our hopelessly romantic bookworms, we are willing to make an exception and allow them to squirm and toss on the bed at every twist and turn. 

4. Find Your Treasure

Any knight who respects themselves has to unearth a valuable treasure, so a reader is called to discover their own hill worth dying over. When first getting into reading, it’s wiser to experiment with different genres to discover the one that fits you the most, whether it is hard-boiled detective stories or romantasy or action... Consider making a list of the genres you have read by categorizing each of your reads. When you stumble upon a great book that you literally wish you could read again for the first time, then you know you have found the X on the map, that’s your genre. It is fair that you unleash your prowess on books of the same genre. And when the treasure has been spent and your coffers are empty, move to the closest alternative and start exploring anew. 

5. Gather Tools in Your Armoire

A reader without reading material is like an unarmed knight trying to defend the noble princess; a recipe for disaster. Reading can be an expensive hobby, especially if you are after best-sellers, but do not fret. Visiting your local library or any other public library and getting your own library card can open the portal to endless possibilities and adventures. Small bookshops, yard sales, and second-hand shops also have a wide array of hidden gems at lower prices that are in search of a new owner to dazzle. And let’s not forget the countless online alternatives available for readers. Amazon contains myriads of books waiting to be explored, and with a subscription to Kindle Unlimited, bookworms are free to delve into numerous reads for only a fraction of the price of the printed edition. Buying the most well-crafted tools does not have to be a predicament anymore, and no bookworm has to be left with an empty wallet.

6. Have A Strategy

Making a daily or monthly reading plan can be an effective way to stay on track and be on top of your reading duties. By assigning a certain number of pages or chapters to read, you have a palpable and clear goal, thus motivation to achieve it— not to mention the satisfaction of crossing it off after you’re done. A good knight knows that the greatest fulfillment comes from getting your tasks done and proving your loyalty to the cause. It is also an efficient way to stay committed and go through your goals at a pace that suits you. Having a reading strategy to tackle your reading escapades requires dedication and meticulous planning, but can lead to the greatest gains. 

7. Find Your Comrades

A feast after a hard-won battle would be nothing without a sense of camaraderie and companionship. Likewise, the reading experience is elevated when the lone knight is joined by kindred spirits and like-minded people who share the same passion. Having in-depth discussions connecting the dots and forming theories, defending your favorite characters, and pitching your favorite books are only some of the benefits of being surrounded by fellow readers. Sadly, there are indeed many bookworms who are not so lucky as to have met such people yet. To remedy this, one can join a book club where tensions rise and discussion always flows, or join one of the countless online reading communities like ours here, to find users ready to plunge into the vicious battle of discussion. And when the Guard of the Palace finally has enough members, that’s when the real fun starts and when your status as a novice reader is updated to a reader knight. 

8. Share Your Loot

After doing all the work and even finding your book buddies, it’s time to open the vault of hidden gems and share them. Bookworms most often have carefully selected and evaluated each read before sharing them, so most times it’s a guaranteed win. Convincing your friends to delve into one of your most beloved books—even after being a pain in the behind for months— is an absolute pleasure, especially when they fall in love with it as quickly as you did. It’s kind of a double win since you get to share your treasure and gain a loyal comrade in the quest for victory. Remember, loyal bookworms, a shared win is much more fulfilling than an individual one and it’s one step closer to the top of being an expert reader. 

9. Check Your Reflexes

So let’s see. You have found your pack, you have polished your sword and you have donned your armor. Now, it’s time to test your skills in sparring with dragons, fae warriors, and evil queens coming alive from the pages in the blink of an eye. And what’s the best way to do that? A piece of paper and a pencil are the best weapons a bookworm can be armed with. A brief summary of the book or even jotting down some parts that you like to examine further can improve your reading comprehension of a story, especially a complicated one, dramatically—trust us, we would know. Re-reading some parts to test your theories or to achieve maximum understanding is also recommended by experts—meaning us, some of the weebiest bookworms out there. Reading our article on close reading fiction might help you find the best way to approach summary writing and note-taking. This will not only help you be a better reader, but a better writer too!

10. Seek Tools to Aid Your Quest

Being obsessed with well-written characters is like running to battle and falling into the deepest trench, personally dug by the author to lure the unwitting, until your face hits the hard ground, and you realize they’re not real—crying for all the book husbands and wives out there. Accepting the person of your dreams will never be alive is a reader’s personal walk to the gallows, luckily there are people out there equally or even more obsessed with you, who possess the talent and means to aid your delusion. From spicy fanarts, fake scenarios, quizzes, games to songs and videos, readers get to enjoy all kinds of audiovisual material that will not only deepen their understanding of the story but help them notice details they hadn’t while reading. Having a more detailed and valid idea of a book is what sets soldiers apart from noble reader knights. 

11. Announce Your Victories

Now that you have read a good part of the TBR piling on your desk or Goodreads account, you are well-versed into bookwormhood, and it’s time for others to know it too. Share your opinions via writing a book review, talk about your completed reading challenges, and take part in discussions about the topics that gnaw at your brain every time you close your eyes. Was Dorian Gray a victim or villain, did Briony deserve to be punished, or should Daisy have stayed with Jay Gatsby? Just don’t look for us while you’re at it, we’ll be somewhere crying in a corner for all the great romantic tragedies we’ve read. Expressing your opinions is vital to improving your reading and analyzing skills, and the support your allies give you is vital to your path to becoming a better reader. 

12. Collect Your Trophies

After having immersed yourself in countless battles and skirmishes, comes the time to display your trophies and badges of honor. Filling a bookcase to the point that the selves are on the verge of collapse offers such a feeling of satisfaction to a reader that there are no adequate words to describe. Your reading journey does not have to stop there, though! Collecting special editions, unearthing bonus scenes, and buying other collectibles to decorate your secret reading cavern can be extremely motivating. To read a few books is easy, but to devour them with the ferocity of a bloodthirsty warrior is an undeniable quality of a good reader. 

13. Become the Reader Captain

The time to rest on your laurels and enjoy your promotion to reader captain is finally here. After tasting countless victories and having read so many books, you are considered a walking library, you have finally reached the pinnacle of the mist-shrouded mountain of doom. Your opinion is of the highest importance to your fellow adventurers. Advising young bookworms on their reading journey is now your duty, along with discovering underrated authors and book series to recommend. It is the highest honor and one you have earned through hours of reading and crying. So there is nothing more to do but to enjoy having reached your destination and discovering a new dream to follow! 

It may seem like a long and difficult road, but which of your favorite heroes and heroines has reached the secret passage or found the hidden heirloom without treading a narrow and treacherous path?

What Are the Benefits of Being a Better Reader?

A reader captain is not to be trifled with, their skill set is vast, and their armoire is full of weapons ready to be used. But what are really the benefits of being a bookworm and striving to be a better reader? 

Exercising the brain

Reading books is like the daily drills a soldier has to go through to remain sharp and ready for battle at all times. The benefits of reading to one’s cognitive, analyzing and reading skills can truly make a huge difference in brain function. No to mention that it improves your memory, so no longer can anybody accuse you of forgetting something when you remember what happened on page 248 of the fourth book in the third series by your favorite author. 

Stress Reduction

Losing yourself in an imaginary world, facing fictional problems and bonding with characters that you will never meet is the epitome of relaxation for bookworms. Reaching this level of engagement and commitment to the noble duty of being a reader captain is what dreams are made of. 

Battles Insomnia

As fellow insomniac bookworms, we can testify that having a book on your nightstand is the key to salvation and a well-rested body. Instead of browsing through social media, read a few chapters until you feel sleepy enough to dream about them. Deep sleep and vivid dreams that will have you waking up with a smile plastered on your face are guaranteed. 

Trivia Master

After having spent countless hours analyzing and processing each word the author has chosen in case there is a hidden nuance, it’s safe to say that your vocabulary has exponentially increased. Historical facts and other hints of general knowledge are always welcomed by book-thirsty bookworms, like a fair knight opts to learn a new fighting technique. 

Transcending Space and Time

Imagine books as your unlimited travel card and portal to all kinds of faraway lands and worlds. It’s no wonder that book lovers are also devoted travelers. It’s the soul’s call to freedom and adventure that demands to be heard and fed as often as possible. So what better way than to delve into alternate readings and walk across different battlefields each day? 

But make no mistake, triumph takes courage and unwavering commitment to reading rituals. 

What Are the Key Habits of Good Readers?

We talked about the benefits of reading fiction and having a reading routine to help you sleep. Let’s, also, explore some other habits that good readers have. 


One of the major joys of readers is being surprised, taken aback —or even having your heart ripped out of your chest— when the major twist hits. Trying to keep a good reader from trying to predict what happens next is like telling a warrior to retreat, ain’t gonna happen. Not all predictions are accurate, but whether your theory is confirmed or not, the joy of forming it and basing it on clues others have missed is the sweetest apple from the tree. 

Digging Deeper

After the first shallow reading, it’s every bookworm’s duty to dig deeper and delve under the surface. It is a cliché, but gaining knowledge and better insight into a story is the greatest reward. 

Don’t Force Yourself to Read

Perhaps one of the most important lessons of the bookworm knight is to know their limits. Despite setting goals and creating a routine, there are days when reading is not the optimal or desired pastime, and that is totally okay. Every great warrior needs some rest to charge their reading batteries. 

Pace Yourself

Similar to the previous reading habit, pacing yourself when reading can significantly alter your experience. There is no rush to finish your book at lightning speed. It may be tempting, and you may be dying to know what happens next, but speed reading without grasping the deeper meanings can diminish the pleasure of reading— unless you reread later to remedy the issue. 

Permit yourself to Quit

Let’s admit it, we’ve all had to look at ourselves in the mirror and admit that a book did not meet our expectations or plainly bored us. Bookworms should not feel bad to quit a read, even if it pains them. It is necessary to sustain your gusto for reading without compromising your passion. 

Right Perspective

Last but certainly not least, treating reading as a form of entertainment and not some kind of chore is perhaps the most important habit of all. If reading does not feel like pure and undiluted joy anymore, then perhaps it’s time to explore other hobbies until the thirst returns. Do not feel ashamed, fellow readers, it is a canon event at some point in every bookworm’s life. 

Finding the habits that work better for you might help immensely in establishing a healthy reading protocol. 

What Are Some Common Mistakes Readers Make?

There is no denying that there are many traps set by the enemy army to throw the noble knights off, but a mature and skilled warrior can navigate through the mines and find their way back to reading. 

Choosing the Classics

A common mistake most novices make is picking up one of the classics to obey some unwritten rule that you must read Pride and Prejudice or Middle March. Although the classics are the source of much greatness, they can be a hard pill to swallow, especially if one is forced to read them. 

Following the Trends

We’ve all been there, and it rarely has a happy ending. With so many book reviewers and social media about book lovers, it is easy to stumble upon the trending books, but not all of them are good and not all of them are one size fits all. Isn’t that the beauty of literature, after all? When it comes to books, beauty lies definitely in the eye of the beholder.

Reading Passively

Reading passively without really comprehending what the author is portraying can be a real pickle. It is not unusual for readers to stay within their comfort zone. However, not getting to fight in the hardest battles can result in never falling in love with reading—and that is a fate we would wish for no one. 

Obsessive Reading Tracking

It is good to be organized and have clear reading goals to motivate you and aid in your routine, but losing control is an enemy ready to ambush any new reader. Seasoned warriors are used to maintaining balance, so it is a mistake that can be avoided with experience. Therefore, try to stick to a plan without freaking out over the tiniest discrepancy, or your reading enjoyment will be at stake.  

Be Easily Deterred

Every bookworm is entitled to its opinion, and we wouldn’t want it any other way. That said, reading reviews before deciding on your next read can be a tricky situation as not all of us share the same taste and appreciation. We suggest you trust your instincts and follow your heart when choosing your battle and determining which are the best books for you. Forming your own opinion is always better than listening to others. 

With some careful maneuvering through these treacherous pathways, the road to success is wide open. 

Start Your Journey as a Reading Captain

Being entrusted with being the reader captain of your squad comes with great expectations and duties, but it is the greatest honor in the bookworm kingdom. It takes time for your progress to show, but do not give up, noble warriors, the time for celebration is near. Fan arts, videos, audiobooks and historical podcasts will be there to guide you every step of the way whether you prefer reading fiction or nonfiction. We are all rooting for you, eagerly waiting to have heated discussions about our favorite reads. 

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Nina Siscou
Article written by:

Christina Tsoukala

Always living in her own enchanted little world, Christina discovered the magic that can be hidden within the pages of a book when one dares to take a closer look from a tender age. An avid reader, she is constantly inspired to delve into the secrets woven between the lines and challenges herself to find her own voice amidst the chaos. She is a dedicated fan of the classics, but the supernatural creatures that have tormented readers for years are her kryptonite. The mastery it takes to infuse the author's essence, molded by the era they grew up in to their innermost desires fascinates her. Undoubtedly, putting her passion and knowledge on paper has a mesmerizing allure on her, and following the steps of so many other dreamers before her she wishes to leave her mark in the literary world. Guided by T.S Eliot’s haunting words: “I will show you fear in a handful of dust” she intends to wreak havoc in the minds of her future readers.