Top 15 Benefits of Being a Bookworm

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March 14, 2024
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While everyone chooses to spend their free time engrossed in social media and an infinite cycle of scrolling and waiting for the ding of notifications, there’s an undoubted allure to burying your nose deep in a book and transporting yourself to another universe, to another life. But be warned, being a bookworm, with well-stocked shelves, countless Goodreads challenges to complete, and a heart full of love for countless characters, is no easy task. The lifestyle of a bookworm is one that many admire, but few dare pursue. But as always, rewards await those who dare face the great challenges of a bookworm life!

So let’s explore the benefits of being a professional thrill-seeker and novel-hunter!

What is a Bookworm?

Obviously, before moving on to the juicy part, we have to explain our noble status. Anyone can be a reader, but few can be so devoted to the craft that the limits of reality and their imagination blur. A bookworm is a book lover who has exceeded their limits and has read more than their peers could have even dreamt of, and then some. Not all of us bookworms emerge from a young age, but when we do, there is no tether to keep our feet on the ground. So there is an undeniable variety of readers with different reading habits out there. 

Some bookworms do get carried away and spend more time reading than socializing, but who can blame them? We would pick staying in with a steaming cup of tea and a good book in our lap to partying any day of the week. Raise your hands if you’ve caught yourself daydreaming about your current read or your all-time favorite—we are certainly guilty of that. 

When one forgets their own mortal troubles and their soul has set on a dozen journeys, then they are officially part of the bookworm family with all its benefits and challenges!

Top Benefits of Reading Books

Let’s make a list and examine the benefits of being an avid reader and getting lost in the realms of bygone eras and magical worlds. 

1. Mental Gymnastics

Like the ancient Greeks used to say, a sound mind in a sound body. And what better way to exercise your critical thinking than using a book as your personal trainer? Reading is not just about comprehending the words written on a page. Trying to guess the next plot twist or connecting the dots results in sharpening your cognitive as well as your thinking skills. Not to mention that a good book is the best tool to strengthen your memory and attention span. Memorizing all the details of a fictional world and trying to keep up with the characters and their actions engages your brain in a way that increases your heart rate. So, it’s safe to say that your daily reading is not only soul-saving but will grace you with the sharpest wit to counter all condescending remarks about your favorite characters!

2. Empathy Expansion

Like any portal to a magic world, reading gives bookworms the chance to glimpse into unique experiences and emotional states. Identifying and empathizing with the characters, are the two factors that can make or break a book. Emotional intelligence is a skill that can be trained through reading and exploring the emotions that are elicited while reading. In other words, bookworms are essentially emotional bodybuilders, getting their empathy gains through literary reps. Not only can you be more understanding of others’ feelings, but you can also be more in touch with your own feelings through devouring books.

3. Stress Reduction

Reading is not only good for your brain and soul, but it’s also a way to reduce your stress and anxiety! Many studies have shown that reading can be used to reduce stress levels, even more than listening to music or taking walks in the fresh air. It is like a personal bubble of serenity and serendipity, allowing readers to work on their mental health and pursue their favorite hobby. Self-help books can also change your life and perspective. Happy hormones aren’t emitted only by physical exercise, after all!

4. Sleep Sanctuary

To all our fellow insomniacs out there, there is a solution to your troubles; a good book and a warm beverage are all you need to sleep like a baby. Having a bedtime reading ritual is as important as your skincare routine. Reading before you go to sleep is like giving yourself the perfect break from everyday troubles, thus improving your quality of sleep exponentially. A book on your nightstand is definitely more effective than any sleeping aid. But be warned, you might have to have your fictional passports ready to slay dragons, travel worlds, or even be the lead detective in a murder mystery!

5. Vocabulary Vault

Don’t ever engage in a word duel with a bookworm, unless you’re ready to get absolutely obliterated like an invading army against the good guys! Reading is the best way to expand your vocabulary and even achieve fluency in foreign languages. Nights of Scrabble and Words with Friends are the bookworm’s natural habitat. Their crowns are already resting on their heads before the game even starts. Nothing is more fearful than a bookworm’s prowess in conversation and writing. 

6. Social Connectivity

Our favorite characters will always be some of our most cherished friends, but there is nothing like having a real discussion with your literary bestie. Reading the same books or being equally passionate about reading can be a bonding experience for any group. Not to mention the countless online communities—like our own Crewfiction—or book clubs that one can join to find fellow kindred spirits. From sharing your libraries to coming up with fan theories, readers all around the world can connect and share their opinions. And let’s not forget the tingly feeling we get when a literary reference reaches the right ears—a lasting friendship just unlocks. Bragging rights in book club gatherings are also a bookworm’s source of power. 

7. Travelling without moving

Travelling the world is cool and all, but have you thought about travelling to fictional worlds or eras long gone? Well then, bookworming is definitely the way to go. You can be sitting in your favorite reading nook after a long day, a blanket keeping you warm and cozy, a cup of hot coffee by your side and your head in the clouds. Name something better than this. I’ll wait… A reader is essentially a world traveler, jumping from adventure to adventure and having mental scars from countless brave battles to prove it. From drinking with Dorian Gray to training like a Valkyrie with Nesta and attending Hogwarts with Harry Potter all in mere seconds!

8. The time capsule effect

A good book can also be like our own little personal time machine. Suck it science, bookworms did it first! By reading historical fiction or even non-fiction books, one can create a mental picture of the era and learn the rules by which communities used to be governed. It’s like a unique history lesson—the royals definitely knew how to spill the tea. Bookworms are the only people who can say they've partied in Gatsby's mansion, marched with the suffragettes, and attended a witch trial in Salem—all before lunchtime.

9. The fountain of youth

It is no coincidence that readers tend to live vicariously even when they’re older. A reader has lived countless lives, has travelled miles, has saved kingdoms and won wars, and yet their soul is young and restless. Fantasy travels aside, reading is proven to prevent cognitive decline better than any other pastime. Forget expensive skin care, a good story is all you need!

10. The never-ending story supply

Thankfully, the quantity of books written ever since typography was invented amounts to an infinite number. Countless new books are waiting out there to be discovered and appreciated. Essentially, readers live longer all for the purpose of discovering literary gems—simple bookworm math. You will never find a bookworm being bored, as they always have an escape route to excitement and adventure tucked away in their bookshelves.

11. Expands your Horizons

Reading books can influence not only your way of thinking but your decision-making process as well. This process is called “experience-taking” and it’s not only helpful but also crucial for one’s personal growth. No wonder, the kids who used to read bedtime stories, became the greatest dreamers and innovators.

12. Better love life

Do we even need to explain this? A real reader has more book husbands and wives than they can count. We adore each one for their strengths and weaknesses. Book spouses set the standard for dating in real life. No matter how hard finding your other half may seem, it is a tiny bit easier when you know what you’re looking for. Meeting men written by women in real life definitely hits differently. Now bookworm to bookworm, who is your book husband, and why is it Mr. Darcy?

13. Boys to financially successful men

It has been proven by studies that men who engage in reading in their spare time are more financially stable than those who don’t. The ambition and curiosity of those men are what leads them to success. Book husbands definitely set the bar high, so men better step it up in this new world. 

14. A welcome distraction

Books can be your best companion in escaping a nerve-wracking situation or when waiting for hours is required. Flying to another country, daily commuting, or waiting for an appointment you are early to is never more pleasant than when reading. Time goes faster, spirits stay high, and the imagination is nurtured. 

15. Great decoration

You can’t judge a book by its cover, but some book designs are rare jewels that every library needs. Even if they are still on your TBR list, some books you just have to put on display for the masterpieces they are. Just a heap of books and any room can turn into a warm and cozy sanctuary. And what great news that is for those who have more books than they know what to do with! 

But is it all sun, rainbows, and dragons in the world of bookworms? 

The Drawbacks of Being a Bookworm

Reading might be one of the most fulfilling and fruitful pastimes, but there are certainly some problems bookworms around the world have to face. 

Never-ending “to read” lists

We all know that those who say they have read everything in their bookcase or TBR lists are outright liars. But who can blame them? There are so many great books published every year that it’s almost impossible to delve into all of them. Regardless, no bookworm shall give up or despair, because that endless reading list will never stop growing; thus fun will always be found. 

Never knowing what to read next

Following the previous issue, the problem of what should come next arises. How can a poor bookworm choose only one out of all those magnificent books waiting for their turn? Reading lists and priorities certainly help, but let’s face it, we’ve all been there; unable to just ignore a new addition of our favorite series in favor of what’s next on our list. 

Not having whom to share the excitement with

For any bookworms out there who have not yet met their book besties, it gets better! Half the excitement of reading fiction is getting to share your thoughts on it with kindred spirits. Being alone in this turbulent and magical journey positively sucks. But that’s where our own reader crew comes in and saves the bookworms that wander lonely with their head in the clouds. 

Getting book hangovers

You know that feeling when you’ve just read the most amazing book you’ve laid eyes on, and you can’t seem to stop thinking about it? Well, that’s a book hangover—we are probably suffering from one right now. That bittersweet feeling of having finished a masterpiece and that sense of longing to meet the characters again certainly feels like the end of the world. But hang in there, bookworms, you will find other great books again. Wallow in the sweet misery and then get back on your high horse for the next quest in your TBR list!

As daunting as the challenges may seem, the joys of being a reader are definitely greater! Read more about the challenges of a bookworm in our article.

Reap the Benefits of Being a Bookworm

We hope that reading this article has made you reminisce about your greatest reads and most beloved characters. However, all good reads come to an end, and the only way to fix that is to find an even greater read. Whether it is an audiobook or a Netflix adaptation of your favorite book series, pick your kryptonite wisely and make the next one a toe-curling adventure. 

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Nina Siscou
Article written by:

Christina Tsoukala

Always living in her own enchanted little world, Christina discovered the magic that can be hidden within the pages of a book when one dares to take a closer look from a tender age. An avid reader, she is constantly inspired to delve into the secrets woven between the lines and challenges herself to find her own voice amidst the chaos. She is a dedicated fan of the classics, but the supernatural creatures that have tormented readers for years are her kryptonite. The mastery it takes to infuse the author's essence, molded by the era they grew up in to their innermost desires fascinates her. Undoubtedly, putting her passion and knowledge on paper has a mesmerizing allure on her, and following the steps of so many other dreamers before her she wishes to leave her mark in the literary world. Guided by T.S Eliot’s haunting words: “I will show you fear in a handful of dust” she intends to wreak havoc in the minds of her future readers.