Top Benefits of Reading Fiction That Can Change Your Life

Thoughts and words by
September 12, 2023
min read
Is Outlander Historically Accurate?

Fiction—Where ink and imagination can create new worlds 

In the fast-paced digital era, where tweets and memes constantly fight over our attention, countless worlds of magic still remain to be explored in a good work of fiction. In addition to the much-needed escape from reality, fiction can provide, it can also be the perfect combination of education and entertainment to balance the overwhelming oversaturation of information—kind of like a fun and creative self-help book!

You see, reading fiction is like opening a door to another dimension.

Through a good story, you can travel to different worlds or bygone eras, meet characters that will make you will wish they were real, and venture beyond the boundaries of reality.

So, if you haven't already discovered the many wonders of fiction, or if just you need a friendly nudge to dive back into it, this post is here to remind you of all the reasons and benefits of reading books and why reading is the best hobby you could possibly have!


1. It enhances cognitive abilities

Reading fiction stimulates your brain. That much we can all agree on—studies have been confirming it for many decades. It sharpens our natural cognitive abilities, such as comprehension and problem-solving.

When we are immersed in a well-written story, we tend to create mental images and actively engage in mental simulations of the events described in said story. This exercise of imagination helps to keep all areas of the brain active and can spur creative thinking.

Furthermore, reading fiction books with intricate plots or complex characters demands keeping track of multiple storylines and perspectives at the same time. This can enhance our cognitive flexibility—the ability to switch between different ideas or concepts quickly.

If you are interested in the scientific research that proves reading fiction can improve your cognitive abilities, among other health benefits, you can read more about its neuroscience here:

2. It increases empathy

Who would have thought reading a book could give you bonus social points in party conversations? Fictional stories allow readers to step into the shoes of the characters and explore their unique perspectives. When engrossing ourselves in their lives and experiences, our brains start to process what they are going through, which activates the same neural networks responsible for real-life experiences and emotions.

As we follow a character’s journey, we begin to understand their thoughts, feelings, reactions, and motivations. We form a deeper connection with the people in the stories and their struggles. Consequently, we become more sensitive to other people’s emotions and perspectives, improving our ability to understand and relate to people in the real world. 

In a way, reading fiction serves as a ‘practicing ground’ for empathy, as it trains our brains to recognize different emotions and social situations.

For more information about how reading is fostering empathy, read here.

3. It reduces stress levels

Reading fiction can also be an amazing way to blow off steam! When we dive into a captivating story, our minds get a well-deserved break from the constant worries and anxieties of everyday life. This mental absorption in a fictional narrative triggers a calming response in the body, lowering the heart rate and blood pressure, leading to a state of deep relaxation. 

What’s more, reading emotional and poignant stories can provide a safe space for experiencing and processing our own emotions, helping us reduce emotional tension and better understand our reactions. Whether it is romance, mystery, fantasy, adventure, or any other literary genre like non-fiction, finding the right book can transport us to a stress-free mental vacation! 


4. It’s the way to a healthy sleep schedule

Reading books can improve our quality of sleep. In addition to reducing stress and anxiety by providing an escape from everyday worries, setting a pre-sleep routine, like reading twenty pages every evening before bed, helps regulate a sleep-wake cycle. By introducing reading into your bedtime routine, you can achieve longer and more restful sleep. 

Pro tip: opt for physical books or e-readers to minimize blue light exposure, which can disrupt melatonin production in the brain.


5. Food for thought—and creativity!

Reading fiction can significantly expand creativity in various ways. It stimulates imagination and visualization by introducing us to new worlds and ideas. Reading exciting stories introduces us to different perspectives that can challenge our previous assumptions and inspire thinking outside the box. 

By being exposed to different storytelling techniques and narrative structures, we broaden our own storytelling abilities and open up to experimentation. Furthermore, symbolism and metaphor analysis help fiction readers understand and communicate abstract concepts. Thus, the inspiration gained from reading often motivates the exploration of themes and genres in our own creative pursuits!


6. It broadens our horizons

Reading fiction can broaden our knowledge in numerous ways as it can expose us to diverse cultures, historical events, and different perspectives. The author’s research and personal knowledge indirectly educate us on various subjects, while different language patterns and new words elevate our vocabulary and language skills. Moreover, many novels address social issues, raising awareness and promoting positive change.

7. It increases concentration

Engaging with a compelling narrative encourages sustained attention, which can improve your brain’s ability to focus over time. In the long run, the cognitive effort required to follow intricate plots and understand characters enables us to concentrate on complex tasks. So if we can put the phone down and emotionally invest in a storyline, fiction reading can become a form of mindfulness practice, keeping us present and focused in the moment. Regularly reading long fictional works can also build our reading stamina and attention control.


8. It provides us with better communication skills

Reading novels significantly improves our communication skills by expanding our vocabulary, introducing us to diverse language patterns, and giving us a deeper understanding of the world, its nuances and emotions.

As we engage with characters and experiences, empathy and social awareness develop and enable us to respond with greater sensitivity and kindness in conversations. Moreover, listening skills are honed, making us more attentive, active listeners. 


9. An easy lesson in ethics

By grappling with morally ambiguous situations alongside the characters, we become more open-minded and experienced in understanding the complexities of human emotions and ethical dilemmas. 

Reading fictional stories can also provide a safe space for processing emotions while fostering cultural sensitivity and empathy towards individuals from different backgrounds. 

After empathy comes compassion, which makes us more attuned to both our feelings and those of others and can inspire positive change.


10. A unique way of socializing

Sharing favorite fiction books and discussing fictional stories with others can foster connections and build a sense of community among readers. Discussing books encourages mutual learning and nurtures intellectual curiosity while sharing thoughts and feelings about stories can create an atmosphere of openness and trust. From in-person book clubs to online forums and fanfiction communities, love for stories can create deep bonds and prompt constructive conversations. 

If you just discovered a novel you loved, share it with people! Just know that if you lend a physical copy of it, chances are you are never getting it back. 

Bottom Line 

Reading fiction opens a window for the mind to wander through unexplored worlds and uncharted universes. That window, though, also lets in a breeze of self-discovery and personal growth. So crack your windows open and breathe in the fresh air, as you snuggle up with a good book!

If you’d like to find information about the magical world of fiction and its different genres, go ahead and subscribe to the crewfiction community!

Frequently Asked Questions 

Why is reading fiction good for mental health?

Reading fiction promotes mental health by reducing stress and fostering empathy and emotional intelligence. It offers an escape from the pressures of daily life and provides an avenue for expression and processing. Furthermore, literary fiction can help with feelings of loneliness and helplessness by reminding us that other people go through similar experiences or emotions as we do. 

Does fiction make you a better person?

Reading fiction can positively impact personal development. However, it is important to note that this impact varies from person to person. The extent to which reading fiction makes someone a better person depends on how they engage with stories, their willingness to reflect upon them, and their application of the lessons learned in real-life situations. When used correctly, reading can undoubtedly be a valuable tool for self-improvement

How does reading fiction affect your emotions?

Reading a good novel can have a profound impact on our emotions. Literary fiction can provide a safe space for emotional release and catharsis. Reflecting on the characters’ emotional dilemmas prompts self-exploration and deeper self-awareness. Positive stories can elevate our mood and evoke joy or laughter, while thrilling genres can evoke fear and suspense.  Of course, once again, the emotional journey through fiction is subjective and varies among individuals. 

All things considered, one thing is for certain: if you open a book with an open mind and let your imagination immerse you within its pages, you will always gain something new!

Nina Siscou
Article written by:

Nina Siscou

First and foremost, Nina is a reader; she devours literature with gusto, from classic novels to contemporary poetry to graphic novels and everything in between. She believes that within each story, there's a universe waiting to be explored, and loves exploring with company. She's often found sharing her perspective on characters, plot twists, and literary themes with friends. When her friends get tired of listening to her ranting, she writes blog posts sharing her explorations with the other bookworms of the internet. In recent years she has developed an inexplicable addiction to matcha lattes, but has asked us not to talk about that.

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