Dragons, Danger, and Desire: A Fourth Wing Review

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June 25, 2024
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Why Fourth Wing is My Favorite Book of the Year

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros has become a worldwide sensation emerging from BookTok and captivating readers with its innovative blend of action, romance, and world-building. As one of the best romance books of the year, this new adult fantasy novel has set a new standard for fantasy romance, combining vivid storytelling with unforgettable characters. From the first page, "Fourth Wing" grabs our attention and transports us to a world where dragons and humans share a profound bond, and the stakes are as high as the adrenaline. Once you open this book, you will not be able to leave it aside, unless it’s to rush to Amazon and order the next one, or to read all the theories and take a deep dive into the amazing memes surrounding the series.

In this review, we'll delve into the plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat, the richly developed characters that make you feel as if you’ve known them your whole life, and the immersive world-building that brings Basgiath War College and its surrounding lands to life. In doing so, we'll explore the central themes and discuss the steamy romance scenes that add an extra layer of excitement to the action-packed saga.

Whether you're a seasoned young adult/fantasy reader or new to the genre, this book is a must-read, and our book review will show you exactly why.

What is the Plot Synopsis for Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros?

In "Fourth Wing", the first book of the Empyrean series by Rebecca Yarros, we enter an A Court of Thorns and Roses-meets-The Hunger Games mesmerizing fantasy world where dragons and humans share a profound bond.

The story follows Violet Sorrengail, who has been thrust into the deadly Basgiath War College by her mother—commanding general Lilith Sorrengail—against her will to become a dragon rider. Within these walls, the ultimate goal is survival and only the strong survive, in order to protect Navarre. Violet, despite her physical frailty, makes up for what she lacks in physical ability with her indomitable spirit and sharp intellect. But once she’s crossed the deadly parapet, she realizes that her life is in even more danger. She must navigate the college's deadly challenges, forge alliances, and bond with a dragon, all while the rebel King’s son, Xaden Riorson, wants her dead. As Violet unravels secrets about her family, the dragons, and Xaden, she finds herself in a deadly love triangle, where nothing truly is as it seems; after all, how can one trust her enemy more than her best friend—yes, we are talking about you, Dain.

Surviving the first year at Basgiath, is easier said than done, though. Having to go through “Threshing”, Violet does the impossible, bonding not only Tairn, the legendary black dragon who has refused to bond in years, but also a second dragon, Andarna.

How Is The Pacing Of The Fourth Wing Story?

The pacing is so fast and exciting that you won't be able to put the book down. Right from the start, the story moves at breakneck speed, just like the urgent struggle for survival that Violet faces at Basgiath War College. Every chapter throws a new challenge her way, and you can feel the intensity as you go through each one with her.

The book seamlessly blends action, suspense, and romance, making the reading experience fresh and exhilarating. There's never a dull moment. The momentum is relentless, with each page pulling you deeper into Violet's world. Yarros skillfully mixes the rich lore of dragons with the school's political drama, crafting a story that's as emotional as it is thrilling.

You'll feel like you're right there with Violet, fighting deadly opponents, making strategic alliances, and uncovering hidden secrets. The constant stream of challenges and surprises keeps you hooked, and just when you think things might calm down, another twist or turn ramps up the excitement again. The intense action, heart-pounding suspense, and romantic tension create a dynamic and compelling story that's hard to put down.

The Depth of Fourth Wing Characters

The depth of the characters in "Fourth Wing" is one of its strongest aspects. Violet, the main character, undergoes significant development, evolving from a timid cadet in the Scribe Quadrant to a formidable dragon rider in the Riders Quadrant. Her journey is nothing short of inspiring as she faces danger head-on, growing stronger with each challenge. Her physical health is a constant struggle, making her triumphs all the more impressive. Despite her frailty, Violet's sharp wit and determination keep her alive, and the support of her fellow cadets is crucial to her survival. Her relationships with other characters, especially Xaden, are charged with tension and complexity. Xaden, the enigmatic love interest, brings an intensity that perfectly complements Violet's resilience. Their interactions are filled with sparks and drama, keeping us eagerly turning the pages. The way Xaden watches over her, sometimes reluctantly, adds a layer of protectiveness and complexity to their dynamic.

But the side characters are just as compelling, as are the dragons—although we wouldn’t dare call them side characters now, would we. Tairn, Sgaeyl, and Andarna each have unique… personalities that add spice to the narrative and quite honestly make it shine through. Tairn's reluctant sassiness provides comic relief, while Sgaeyl's fierce protectiveness and Andarna's rebellious spirit keep everyone on their toes. These dragons are more than just fantasy tropes; they are essential to the story's emotional core, forming deep bonds with their riders that highlight the themes of loyalty and partnership. After all, “A dragon without its rider is a tragedy. A rider without their dragon, is dead.”

Violet's fellow cadets also play crucial roles in her journey. Rhiannon, Ridoc, Sawyer, Liam and Imogen bring a sense of camaraderie and support that highlights the intricate dynamics of loyalty and betrayal. Rhiannon becomes a close friend and ally, often helping Violet through tough times and offering emotional support. Ridoc and Sawyer add humor and heart to the group, lightening the mood with their banter and bravery. Imogen's fierce loyalty and strength are invaluable, especially in dire situations where Violet's physical limitations could be fatal.

On to some darker dynamics, Jack Barlowe, who from the first time he lays eyes on her, promises to kill Violet—and soon enough, almost succeeds. His antagonism adds a palpable sense of danger and keeps the stakes high. The tension between them adds to the thrill of the story, as his constant threat forces Violet to rely on her wits and the support of her friends to survive.

The friendships Violet forms are heartwarming and realistic, forged in the heat of life-or-death situations. These relationships highlight the importance of trust and loyalty in the deadly environment of Basgiath War College. Whether it's Rhiannon’s unwavering support, Ridoc’s inappropriate jokes, Xaden’s reluctant protectiveness, or the dragons’ unique bonds, each relationship adds depth to Violet’s character and underscores her journey from vulnerability to strength.

Overall, the characters in "Fourth Wing" are richly developed and bring the story to life. Their interactions, growth, and struggles create a dynamic and emotionally charged narrative that captivated all of us from start to finish. The way they rally around Violet, helping her overcome her physical challenges and grow into her role as a dragon rider, makes for an eye-watering, nail-biting read.

A World Where Humans and Dragons Cooperate for Survival

The world-building in "Fourth Wing" is nothing short of spectacular, darlings. We're talking about a fantasy landscape where dragons and humans share telepathic and emotional bonds. This unique connection adds layers to the story, making the dragons feel like characters we can't help but love, rather than just mythical creatures. But let's talk about Basgiath War College. It’s the ultimate dystopian setting where survival is everything. This brutal environment tests our beloved cadets to their limits, pushing them physically and mentally.

And oh, the lore! The First Six dragons aren't just legends—they're the backbone of this world’s mythology. Their ancient bonds with humans lay the groundwork for the epic struggles our characters face today. Throw in the unique cultures, traditions, and histories of the continent’s nations, like those mysterious Aretian runes, and you've got a world that's as deep as it is wide. It's the kind of place you lose yourself in and never want to leave.

Now, let’s talk about Navarre. This place is full of secrets—juicy, dark secrets. The nation is wrapped in mystery, hiding truths that could flip the entire story on its head. And Xaden's hometown, Aretia? Once a gem, now in ruins, its secrets are slowly coming to light. The contrast between its former glory and current devastation adds a layer of poignant intrigue we just can't resist. Navarre’s secrets aren't just background noise. Hidden truths about the dragons, the war college, and the political scheming keep us guessing and glued to the pages. Each new revelation is like peeling back another layer of a very dark, very exciting onion.

The world-building isn’t just about settings and lore; it's about how these elements shape our favorite characters and their journeys. The harsh realities of Basgiath War College, the ancient dragon traditions, and Navarre's buried secrets all shape the paths of Violet and her fellow cadets. The telepathic and emotional bonds between dragons and riders? Pure magic, adding a deeply personal touch that raises the stakes even higher. In the end, the world of "Fourth Wing" is vivid, immersive, and so detailed you feel like you're living in it. Whether we're uncovering Navarre's secrets, diving into the lore of the First Six, or navigating the treacherous halls of Basgiath War College, we're in for a wild, captivating ride through a fantastically realized world. 

The Core Themes of Fourth Wing

"Fourth Wing" delves into themes of resilience and loyalty, power and corruption, and freedom and oppression. These themes are skillfully woven into the narrative, driving character motivations and plot developments. Violet's journey exemplifies resilience and loyalty, showcasing the importance of perseverance and trust. The corrupt power dynamics within Navarre and the broader political intrigue reveal the dangerous allure of power and control. The characters’ quest for freedom, both personal and political, highlights the struggle against oppression and the desire for autonomy.

How Steamy is the Romance in Fourth Wing?

The romance in "Fourth Wing" is a significant highlight, and let's just say, it's nothing short of sizzling. The sex scenes are both passionate and integral to character development, showcasing true love that goes beyond mere attraction. The tension in the slow burn attraction between Violet and Xaden is palpable as their chemistry crackles with electricity—pun intended—from their very first interaction, and the anticipation is deliciously drawn out.

As the story progresses, the tension between Violet and Xaden becomes almost unbearable in the best way possible. Their interactions are charged with a mix of hostility and undeniable attraction, creating a dynamic that's both thrilling and fraught with emotion. When they finally give in to their feelings, the payoff is explosive—literally. Epic moments of intimacy, like breaking the armoire in Violet's room and shattering Xaden's window, are not just physically intense but also emotionally resonant. 

In "Fourth Wing," the romance is not just a subplot—it's a driving force that shapes the characters and their journeys. The steamy scenes, laden with emotion and intensity, leave a lasting impact, making the romance a key highlight of this fantastical tale—romantasy at its finest.

Fourth Wing Highlights We Loved (Spoiler Alert!)

The Dragons

The dragons in "Fourth Wing" are way more than just side characters; they're the heart and soul of the plot. Tairn’s sassiness, Sgaeyl’s fierce protectiveness, and Andarna’s hilariously adorable rebellious spirit add unique flavors to the story that we can't get enough of. Each dragon's personality shines brightly, making them unforgettable. Their interactions with humans highlight the deep, emotional bonds that drive the narrative, showing us that these dragons are not just companions—they’re essential partners in the fight for survival and the quest for truth.

The Friendships

The camaraderie among the characters in "Fourth Wing" is both heartwarming and realistic. Forged in the crucible of life-or-death situations, these friendships are as strong as dragonfire. The bonds formed within the Riders Quadrant with unlikely alliances add depth and authenticity to the relationships. Whether it's Rhiannon's steadfast loyalty, Ridoc and Sawyer's humorous yet brave presence, or Imogen's fierce strength, each friendship adds a rich layer to the story. These connections highlight the importance of trust and loyalty in the harsh environment of Basgiath War College.

The Epicness

Get ready for a thrill ride because "Fourth Wing" is packed with epic moments. Vivid battle scenes, action-packed narrations, and high-stakes encounters make this book impossible to put down. Yarros’ descriptive writing brings these moments to life in such a way that you’ll feel every sword clash, every dragon roar, and every heart-pounding escape. The action sequences are not just exciting; they're immersive, pulling readers right into the thick of the battle and making us feel like we’re part of the story.

The Twists and Turns

Just when you think you’ve got things figured out, "Fourth Wing" hits you with another twist. From Violet discovering her brother Brennan is alive, to Dain’s shocking betrayal, and the terrifying revelation of Wyverns and Venins, the plot is full of surprises. These unexpected turns keep the narrative unpredictable and engaging, ensuring that readers are constantly on their toes. Each twist not only propels the story forward but also deepens the characters' development, making the journey even more gripping.

What We Hope to See in Future Books

In the next book, we hope to see Violet and Xaden develop a functioning relationship built on trust, despite the complications from Xaden's transformation into a Venin at the end of "Iron Flame". We are excited to explore more about the Empyrean and the separate dragon community, uncovering their ancient secrets and understanding Andarna's significance as the sixth kind of dragon. Additionally, we would like to delve into the backstory of Violet's parents, especially how Lilith became so cold.

The Bottom Line: Yay or Nay?

"Fourth Wing" is a must-read for fans of fantasy books, particularly those who enjoy a blend of romance and adventure—ACOTAR fans, we are talking to you. With its amazing plot, richly developed characters, and immersive world-building, it offers a reading experience that is both thrilling and emotionally satisfying. The steamy enemies-to-lovers romance and epic battle scenes add an extra layer of excitement, ensuring that there is never a dull moment. Despite some predictability in the storyline, the unique twists and rich character development keep it engaging. If you haven't picked up "Fourth Wing" yet, we highly recommend that you do so, whether you are a seasoned fantasy reader or new to YA fantasy and romantasy, this series will not disappoint.

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Nina Siscou
Article written by:

Jo A. Quinn