The 100 Best Quotes from Fourth Wing

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June 6, 2024
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You just read the Empyrean series by Rebecca Yarros and can’t get over it yet? Been there, fellow bookworm, so what we did to satisfy our Fourth Wing withdrawal was to gather the best Fourth Wing and Iron Flame quotes. Book quotes are a bookworm’s holy grail, so we got our Fourth Wing quotes and grouped them just for our favorite book lovers! So if you’re done checking out Fourth Wing theories and memes, let’s go ahead with our favorite quotes.

Beware of spoilers and march ahead at your own peril, cadet!

25 Quotes from and about Dragons

With dragons being the essence of the Fourth Wing we couldn't start off without them. Also, we can’t not mention their amazing banter—we know everyone is waiting for those Tairn quotes. 

So let’s start with some of our favorite winged beasts. 

  1. “A dragon without its rider is a tragedy. A rider without their dragon is dead.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  2. “One does not live a century without being well aware of the space one takes up”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  3. “You will not fall. I will not allow it.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  4.   “Good idea. I could use a snack.” Andarna’s tone is indecently excited.
    “We do not eat our allies,” Tairn lectures.
    “You never let me have any fun.”
    ― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  5.  “I could torch him if you like. But you do seem attached.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  6. “I choose you not as my next, but as my last, and should you fall then I will follow”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  7. “You can ride me when the flesh rots off my bones, Wingleader”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  8. “Next time you fly, and I’ll ride.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  9.  “She makes a good point,” Andarna agrees. “Can you carry a luminary?”
    “That question insults me.”
    “Can you carry a luminary while insulted?” she prods. Tairn growls.
    ― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  10.  “Dragon relationships are absolutely incomprehensible.”
    “Yeah? You should try a human one sometime. Just as vicious, but less fire.”
    ― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  11.  “Dragons always know.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  12.  “I will already know, as I am continuously with you,” he grumbles. “Forced to bear witness to the awkwardness that is twenty-one-year-old humans.”― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  13.  “I’m fine, thanks for asking.”
    “Of course you are. I chose well.”― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  14.  “Scratch her eyes out,” Andarna suggests. “Really. The eyes are the softest tissue. Just jab your thumbs in there—”
    “Andarna! Use some common sense,” Tairn snaps. “The kneecaps are a much easier target.”― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  15. “There is no stronger bond than that between two mated dragons.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  16.  “We will feast on their bones, Silver One.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  17. “They’re accommodations for me. I’ve seen your memories. I’m not about to have you sticking daggers into my leg to climb up. Now let’s go.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  18. “You’re making us look bad. Stop it.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  19.  “I chose him for his inability to relent.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  20.  “They’re a mated pair, Tairn and Sgaeyl. The strongest bonded pair in centuries.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  21.  “You do not have the right to burn what is mine.”― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  22.  “Was everyone’s dragon a curmudgeon? Or just mine?”―Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  23.  “Aren’t you going to tell me how brilliant that idea was?”
    Tairn scoffs. “I chose you last year for your brilliance, and now you’d like to be congratulated like it’s something new? How odd.”
  24.  “Just because your body is built differently than the others doesn't mean you don't deserve to keep your seat.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  25.  “At least I didn’t let you fall to your death.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

25 Inspirational quotes from Fourth Wing

Among the many reasons why we love Violet Sorrengail is her unbreakable spirit. Surviving Basgiath War College only on her wits and soul, Violet is truly inspiring, making Fourth Wing a testament to human resilience. So let’s check out our favorite inspirational quotes.

  1. “But I will not run. I wouldn't be standing here if I'd quit every time something seemed impossible to overcome. I will not die today.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  2. “Violence, remember it's only the body that's fragile. You are unbreakable.”― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  3. “It’s hard to love a second home as much as the first.” I swallow. “It’s easy when the second home is the right one.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  4.  “I'm still not making it easy. But you and I are not easy people. What we build together has to be strong enough to withstand a storm. Or a war. Easy isn't going to give that to us.”― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  5.  “Because love, at its root, is hope. Hope for tomorrow. Hope for what could be. Hope that the someone you’ve entrusted your everything to will cradle and protect it.”― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  6.  “We can live as cowards or die as riders.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  7.  “And not all strength is physical, Violet.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  8.  “I am the sky and the power of every storm that has ever been. I am infinite”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  9.  “The right way isn’t the only way.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  10.  “The hardest battles aren’t fought with weapons, but with the heart.” ― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  11.  “Strength of courage is more important than physical strength”― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  12.  “Justice is not always merciful.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  13.  “The reason we’ll never be anything more than friends isn’t because of your rules. It’s because you have no faith in me. Even now, when I’ve survived against all odds and bonded not just one dragon but two, you still think I won’t make it. So forgive me, but you’re about to be some of the bullshit that this place cuts away from me.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  14.  “I'm used to functioning in pain, asshole. Are you?”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  15. “Patience is not passive waiting, but a strength that enables us to endure and overcome.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  16. “Aren't you a little small for a dragon rider?” the venin hisses.
    “Big enough to kill you.”
    ― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  17.  “People die. It’s going to happen over and over again. It’s the nature of what happens here. What makes you a rider is what you do after people die.”
    ― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  18.  “Would you not call yourself fragile?”
    “I am who I am.”
    ― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  19.  “Don’t be afraid to take the leap. The Fourth Wing will be your safety net.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  20.  “In the darkest moments, it is our light that shines the brightest.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  21.  “Fear is not the enemy, but rather the catalyst for growth and bravery.” ― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  22. “The only limits we have are the ones we set for ourselves.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  23. “Sometimes, the greatest battles are fought within our own minds.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  24. “Mira, Violet deals with more pain before lunch than you do an entire week. If any of my children is capable of surviving the Riders Quadrant, it’s her.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  25. “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the willingness to face it head-on.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Top 10 of Xaden Riorson’s most iconic quotes

We couldn’t refrain from dedicating a section to the Wingleader of our hearts. 6Here are Xaden’s most iconic quotes!

  1. “Going for blood today, are we, Violence?”
    “My name is Violet.”
    “I think my version fits you better.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  2. “I don’t deserve you. But I’m going to keep you all the same.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  3. “There’s nowhere in existence you could go that I wouldn’t find you, Violence.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  4.  “Who did you kill?” She directs the question at Xaden.
    ― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  5.  “You turned oranges into a weapon, Violence?”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  6.  “My heart only beats as long as yours does, and when you die, I’ll meet Malek at your side”― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  7.  “You look all frail and breakable, but you’re really a violent little thing, aren’t you?” ― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  8.  “Defenseless women have never been my type”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  9.  “You want to know why you’re still alive? Every day I let you live, I get to convince myself that there’s still a part of me that’s a decent person.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  10.  “I told you in Aretia—I would rather lose this entire war than live without you.”― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame

20 Quotes that will melt your heart

Quotes from Fourth Wing made BookTok swoon; so let’s explore some love quotes from “Fourth Wing” that melted our hearts. 

  1. “I would rather lose this entire war than live without you, and if that means I have to prove myself over and over, then I'll do it. You gave me your heart, and I'm keeping it.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  2. “You have to fight, Vi,” Xaden whispers against my forehead as we move. “You can hate me all you want when you wake up. You can scream, hit, throw your fucking daggers at me for all I care, but you have to live. You can't make me fall for you and then die. None of this is worth it without you.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  3. “Even when I’m not with you, there’s only you.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  4. “Thank you, Liam. Thank you for being my shadow. Thank you for being my friend.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  5. “You’re my gravity. Nothing in my world works without you.”― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  6.  “My lungs only fill when hers do, and the time between my heartbeats is filled with sharp, all-consuming fear.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  7.  “He yanks me close and kisses my forehead. 'There is no me without you,' he says against my skin.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  8.  “I’ve been yours for longer than you could ever imagine”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  9.  “You’ll feel the moment when you’ll know that there’s nothing to leave. And it might break your heart, but when you feel it, you fly. Promise me you’ll fly.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  10.  “You’re capable of hurting me in ways I’m not sure you’ve even begun to fathom, Violet. I might be skilled enough to land a death blow, but you alone have the power to fucking destroy me.”― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  11. “You still don’t trust me, and that’s all right. I told you I’m not in this for a battle. I’m winning the damned war. I’m a fucking fool for saying this, but when haven’t I been a fool when it comes to you?”― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  12.  “As complicated as our connection is, it’s also undeniably simple. He’s the horizon, and nothing exists beyond for me.”― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  13.  “I know exactly who you are, Violet Sorrengail.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  14. “You’re going to love Violet. She’s smart and stubborn. Reminds me a lot of you, actually. You just have to remember when you meet her: she’s not her mother.” ― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  15. “You’re worth fighting for, Violet. And not because you’re a Sorrengail, but because you’re you.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  16.  “It’s not the pain I’m afraid of, Violet. It’s that I won’t be able to stop it from taking you.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  17.  “Most generals dream of dying in service to their kingdom. But you know me better than that, my love. When I fall, it will be for one reason only: to protect our children.”― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  18.  “The bonds we share with others are the true treasures in life. They lift us up, support us, and remind us that we’re never alone.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  19.  “We’re all broken in some way, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find beauty in the cracks.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  20.  “Hope is a fragile thing, but it has the power to light up even the darkest of places.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

10 Spicy Quotes from Fourth Wing

The electricity—pun intended—between Xaden and Violet is palpable throughout the entire series. Let’s take a look at some spicy quotes! #xadenriorson #violetsorrengail

  1. “If I get my hands on you, really, honestly get my hands on you, I don't know if I'll be able to stop.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  2. “She exists, and I get turned on. I’ve come to accept that particular truth over the last year.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  3. “Oh, gods.”
    “Which one are you calling out for? Because it’s just you and me in this room, Vi, and I don’t share.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  4. “I want you feral.”― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  5.  “Gets-you-into-trouble-and-you-like-it level of hot.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  6.  “Home. Gods, he tastes like home.”― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  7.  “I always fucking want you.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  8.  “Fuck, I'm never going to get enough of you, am I?”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  9.   “I jolt at the simple knowledge that there's nothing he could do that I wouldn't welcome. I want him. Only him. Here. Now. Anywhere. Whenever.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  10. “My house. My chair. My woman.”― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame

10 most hilarious quotes from Fourth Wing

Fourth Wing is also filled with humor that brings levity to the story. Rebecca Yarros masterfully weaves in witty dialogue and amusing situations that make the characters even more relatable and the narrative more enjoyable. Here are ten hilarious quotes from Fourth Wing!

  1. “He only tolerates my existence because our dragons are mated, and here I am salivating over his half-naked body”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  2.  “Have you always been this tall?” I blurt the first thing that comes to mind.
    “No, I was a child at some point.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  3.  “You are not attracted to toxic men, I remind myself, and yet, here I am, getting all attracted”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  4.  “That hilt is eight inches—”
    “Seven.” Dain corrects.
    “Imagine a man actually shortening a girl’s estimate”
    ― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame
  5.  “Not that I wouldn't climb the man like a tree if presented with the right set of circumstances.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  6.  “Let me guess, you could smell my perfume. Isn't that what always gives the heroine away in books?”
    He scoffs. “I command shadows, but sure, it was your perfume that gave you away.”
    ― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  7.  “Toxic. Dangerous. Wants to kill you. Nope, doesn’t matter. My pulse still skitters like a teenager.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  8.  “Do you, boys, just want to whip it out and measure? It would be faster.”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  9. “Should I get the Wingleader?”― Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing
  10.  “He might get tired and drop you.”
    “His pride would never allow it.”
    “Says the dragon who spent twenty minutes refusing to put on her harness!”
    ― Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame

5 Key Lessons from “Fourth Wing”

The Power of Courage

In “Fourth Wing,” characters constantly face daunting challenges that test their bravery. The story emphasizes that true courage isn't the absence of fear, but the determination to move forward despite it. This lesson teaches us the importance of facing our fears head-on to achieve personal growth and success on our own terms.

The Importance of Trust

Trust is a cornerstone in the relationships depicted in “Fourth Wing.” The characters learn that trusting others can be difficult—yeah, Violet, we’re talking to you—but it is essential for forming strong, meaningful connections. Mutual trust is vital for building solid relationships.

Embracing One’s True Self

The journey of self-discovery is a central theme in “Fourth Wing.” Characters learn to embrace their true selves, flaws and all. This encourages us to accept and love who we are, understanding that our unique qualities make us powerful and special.

Resilience in the Face of Adversity

“Fourth Wing” portrays characters who encounter numerous obstacles and setbacks. Their resilience and determination to overcome these challenges serve as a powerful reminder that persistence is key to overcoming adversity and achieving our goals.

Love and Compassion

Love and compassion play a crucial role in the narrative of “Fourth Wing.” The characters' acts of kindness and empathy towards each other illustrate the profound impact that love and compassion can have in healing and bringing people together, reinforcing the idea that these qualities are essential in building a better world.

What’s Your Favorite Quote? 

“Fourth Wing” is no exception, offering a treasure trove of memorable quotes that stay with us long after we've turned the last page. What’s your favorite quote from “Fourth Wing”? Share it with us and let’s celebrate the magic together!

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Nina Siscou
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Jo A. Quinn