Exploring Love in 'Powerless': Top Romantic Quotes by Lauren Roberts

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August 8, 2024
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Have you ever wondered what makes “Powerless” so compelling? Is it the sizzling tension, is it the trial’s trope, is it the compelling characters, or is it the unforgettable quotes? We must confess to you, dear bookworms, that every time Kai Azer opens his mouth, a shudder passes through us. The bookish term to describe Powerless by Lauren Roberts based on its genre is romantasy, a young adult, romance, and fantasy book with an enemies-to-lovers romance trope. With that said, we have compiled a list of the best romantic and inspirational book quotes from the Powerless Trilogy by Lauren Roberts. Be aware of the spoilers!

If you are as addicted to Powerless, Powerful, and Reckless as we are, let’s delve into these quotes, but first check out our blog post with the book’s summary and key points.

Memorable Romantic Quotes

The Sparks of Tension

  1. "’Oh, and darling?’
    ‘You were right.’ He takes another step backward. I huff out a sigh.
    ‘I’m not sure I should even listen to what you’re about to say since you didn’t address me by my name, which is—"
    ‘Paedyn,’ the sound of my name from his lips cuts me off, ‘the ladies do love me.’ And with a wink, he turns and strides out of the alley."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "I duck my head and smile.
    ‘I could get used to you being a gentleman, Azer.’ He's quiet for so long that I think he might not respond. But when he does, I hear the smile in his voice.
    ‘And I could get used to being one for you, Gray.’

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "Mark my words, Prince, I will be your undoing."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. “The feeling of absolute annoyance for being so affected by someone is most definitely mutual, though I'm sure she'd deny it with a dagger to my throat. So very vicious, that one.”

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "I can feel her eyes on me, tracking every move I make, and it's annoyingly distracting."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "’Always feeding you, remember?’ She stares at the fruit before snatching it from my hand, huffing in annoyance. And then, she smiles, the dazzling action lighting up her face as she rubs the apple on my shirt, right above my heart. She takes a bite, her eyes locked with mine. ‘And you said you weren't a gentleman.’"

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "’What the hell is wrong with you?!’
    ‘Darling, that is a very loaded question.’"

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. I'm the embodiment of opposites, a jumble of confusion and contradictions. I want this. I don't want this. He dips his head so his chin rests on my shoulder. Oh, I definitely want this. Oh, but I definitely shouldn't."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. ‘I am more than willing to rip your dresses for you, Gray. To help, of course.’ Kitt snorts while Kai smirks. ‘You only need to ask.’ ‘Why ask when you're so eager to offer?’ Kai's laughter follows me as I finally pull myself up, arms burning with the strain.

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. ‘I didn’t realize you had watched me so closely.’
    ‘Watched? Darling, I’ve never stopped.’ She meets my gaze as an emotion I can’t place ripples in those ocean eyes of hers.

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "Focus on the dimples you try to convince yourself you hate, even though I know you look for them every time I smile."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "Is hand-to-hand too distracting, having to be so close to me?"

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "Sloppy footwork, Gray. I’d hate to be your partner on the dance floor."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. ‘Are you going to sleep?’
    ‘Oh, darling, I’m already dreaming.’

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. ‘You should see the damage I did to your pretty face.’
    ‘Oh darling, as long as you still think I’m pretty, I don’t give a damn what I look like’

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "‘Careful, darling, you almost look as if you care’"

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. ‘You promised to be my undoing,’ I murmur, lowering my head close enough to hear her sharp intake of breath. ‘So, prove it.’ Her face angles up toward mine, our noses brushing. She never lowers her dagger, and the point of her blade still draws blood from my throat. ‘Prove it,’ I repeat, voice quiet. ‘Hate me enough to make me want you.’ I cup her jaw, feeling her eyes burning into mine. ‘Ruin me.’ 

― Lauren Roberts, Reckless

  1. ‘Maybe you really are a poet,’ I whisper. He smiles softly. ‘Only a fool for you.’ ‘Pretend?’ My voice is small, soft like the breeze blowing through my short hair. ‘Never.’ ‘None of it?’ I ask quietly. ‘Darling’-he smiles- ‘I have never had to pretend to want you.’

― Lauren Roberts, Reckless

  1. "Her chest heaves, brushing mine with each heavy breath. "Don’t think for a second," she whispers, "that I won’t be the death of you."

― Lauren Roberts, Reckless

  1. ‘What?’ I grind out. She snorts.
    ‘Possessive, are we?’
    ‘I chained you to me. What do you think?’

― Lauren Roberts, Reckless

  1. "Dena, if I looked at you while you were talking, I can’t guarantee that I’d be paying attention to what you’re saying."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerful

  1. "Are you going to stop talking long enough to let me kiss you properly?"

― Lauren Roberts, Powerful

Moments of Vulnerability

  1. "Pae, when I look at you... I'm devastated. I'm drowning. I'm dying to catch my breath."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "If I am to be her enemy, I want it to be because she loathes herself for wanting me."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "Why did I ever think I could have her, ever think she would have me? Because beasts don't get the beauty."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. “I hate that he makes me feel like I'm always trying to catch my breath. And what I hate even more is that he knows it. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.”

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "I've never been looked at like it's a privilege to be in my presence, an honor to hold my gaze, a gift to get a glimpse of me. Not until I met him. And what terrifies me even more is that I think I might be looking at him the same way, looking at him with that same longing."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "But in this moment, I don't want to die—if only so I can hear him say my name one more time."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "My mind is screaming at me to do one thing, but my heart is pounding, pleading with me to do another. Despite the silence stretching between us, my jumbled thoughts are deafening."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "But if I get to have you, it will be because you let me."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "Run, Paedyn. Because when I catch you, I will not miss. I will not falter. I will not make the mistake of feeling for you."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "I watch as his eyes roam over me, over my body still pressed beneath his, over my hair messily spread across his pillow. Almost as though he is committing me to memory."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. ‘Call us even. Call me crazy. I don’t care. Just…’ His eyes are pleading, brimming with emotion. ‘Just call me yours.’"

― Lauren Roberts, Reckless

  1. ‘You don't regret it?’ She shakes her head, her smile sad, ‘No.’
    ‘Good,’ I murmur. ‘Because I've always had a thing for short hair.’
    ‘Oh, really?’ She laughs as I sway us in a circle.
    ‘It's true. Among other things, of course.’ I shrug a shoulder. ‘Short hair. Ocean-blue eyes. Twenty-eight freckles. And’- I pause, examining her with a tilt of my head- ‘how tall are you?’"

― Lauren Roberts, Reckless

  1. "Now I'll watch her become someone else's. Because the beast doesn't get the beauty."

― Lauren Roberts, Reckless

  1. ‘Go on, my Silver Savior,’ he muses bitterly. ‘Be my undoing.’

― Lauren Roberts, Reckless

  1. ‘Don't look at me like that.’
    ‘Like what?’ she asks softly.
    ‘Like I'm worthy of being seen.’

― Lauren Roberts, Reckless

  1. "I bite my tongue at the sting that still shoots down my body, but the sound of her laugh is healing, capable of a man forgetting his own name, let alone his pain."

― Lauren Roberts, Reckless

  1. "Because the next time I lay a hand on you, I only ever want it to be in a caress."

― Lauren Roberts, Reckless

  1. ‘Shh.’ I run a hand down the length of her curls, feeling a hiccup jostle her body. ‘You did the right thing. Run to me. Always run to me.’

― Lauren Roberts, Powerful

Confessions and Realizations

  1. “I have nothing to offer her. I am wrong, so wrong for her. She is too brave, too bold, too bloody good for me. Maybe I could be a better man.”

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "She is the embodiment of a bad decision. The twin of danger and desire. The fine line between deadly and divine. And I can feel myself drowning."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "She's so stunning, yet so stubbornly oblivious to how the sunset behind dulls in comparison to the vibrance that is her."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. “I'd never thought about what my favorite color was before because I hadn't seen one that was worthy of the title. Until now, that is. 'Blue,' I say, my voice low”

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "But I'm never sober around you, Pae. Never not drunk on every detail that is you."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "Only you can make my name sound worth saying."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. ‘Tell me.’ he murmurs, ‘what do you want me to call you?’ My eyes slowly meet his, confused by his question.
    ‘What do you want to call me?’
    ‘I want to call you mine.’

— Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. ‘It’s a good thing you’re not here,’ he says softly, a tone I never thought I’d hear from him again. ‘Because I still haven’t found my courage.’"

― Lauren Roberts, Reckless

  1. ‘No, I'm sick of running. And I won't spend the rest of my life doing it unless it's you I'm running back to.’
    ‘Then I'll spend the rest of my life tracking you down,’ he says quietly. ‘Glimpsing you in shadows. Fighting you in the streets. Dancing with you in my dreams. Because living without you is only bearable when I know you are out there still living too.’

― Lauren Roberts, Reckless

  1. ‘I think I would fall on my sword if it meant you mourned me,’ he breathes. ‘And it’s terrifying to think you hold that much power over me.’"

― Lauren Roberts, Reckless

  1. "He is my anchor, and I am willing to sink, so long as it is with him."

― Lauren Roberts, Reckless

  1. "She looks at me, shocked. And then she smiles, bright and big like the night sky hanging above us. I fear she could rival the stars."

― Lauren Roberts, Reckless

  1. 'My soldiers don't mean anything to me. They are expendable and easy to replace.' His chest heaves, his eyes locked with mine. 'So yes, Gray. You aren't one of my soldiers.'

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "And now I want her name on my lips and rolling off my tongue until I'm drunk on the taste and sound of it."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "The most powerful man paired with the most powerless woman."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "She is a vision, a nightmare, a dream. A grim reaper clad in black, come to steal my soul and my heart. I've never seen something so beautiful, so bold, so blatantly wrong for me. She is a devil. She is a deity… She is my downfall."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "My pretty Pae, what have you done to me?"

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "Can’t decide if I want to laugh with him or wring his neck—a common predicament I find myself in."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. ‘You make even the stars envious,’ I repeat softly, leaning toward her. ‘Because one day—far from now—you will be up there beside them, outshining every single one.’

— Lauren Roberts, Powerful

  1. "Falling is not what I do. No, I trip into love, unable to slow down long enough to question these feelings or the person I've dumped them on."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerful

  1. "She is an intoxicating sort of exhausting, like running until you’ve lost your breath but enjoying the feeling all the while. And I feel as though I’ve been sprinting for days. Even worse, I fear that I am, in fact, beginning to enjoy her. What a terrifying realization, to admit one’s admiration for another."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerful

  1. "He is my fantasy. This is my reality."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerful

  1. "He makes me happy, for whatever absurdly odd reason. He’s not exactly a ray of sunshine, but perhaps something equivalent to moonlight. Mysterious and unnerving. Equally as beautiful, yet, soft enough to stare at."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerful

Acts of Love and Sacrifice

  1. "She's so damn stubborn that she would choose to fight me until she collapsed rather than let me see her injured."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "If you die, I'm going to kill you."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "And I will save your life again and again, aimlessly hoping you will allow me to stay in it."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "Remind me to make you smile like that again, when you aren't dying, and I have all the time in the world to memorize it."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "A smile he’s designed just for me."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. “It's a privilege to look into those eyes, to drown in the essence that is her. Because everything about her is too right and everything about me is too wrong. But I'm selfish. I take what I want, and what I want might just want me for once.”

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "This is not a goodbye, only a good way to say bye until I see you next"

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "Every touch, every dance, every kiss disguised as a distraction was anything but. Because before I loved her, I longed for her. She was a want I wasn't worthy of. And I'm afraid I'll never get the chance to deserve her. Because now that I have her, I'm giving her away."

― Lauren Roberts, Reckless

  1. "In the end, it was all light and dark, loud and soft. I knew nothing but the memory of those I loved. One, a friend. The other, unfinished. And that alone is what I took with me into the next life. But I watched, warm and bright and high above. Just as he promised."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerful

  1. ‘He stole your smile,’ she whispers, tears clinging to dark lashes. ‘No wonder you didn’t have one to give me.’ Regret rams into me once again, her words a reminder of every missed opportunity to make her smile with one of my own.
    ‘I’ll find one,’ I murmur. ‘Steal it back if I must. For you.’ Her lips lift, eyes shining with tears. ‘And I’ll cherish it.’

― Lauren Roberts, Powerful

Inspirational Quotes

  1. "For every girl who has ever felt powerless"

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "Sadly, sometimes it takes martyrs to show people that there is something worth fighting for."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "Death can claim me when it finds a less pathetic way to end my existence."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "Never forget that your wit is a weapon to be wielded, if only your mind is as sharp as your blade."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "I will not fail. The king's smile is bloody. I will not falter. Hysterical, mocking laughter follows. I will not feel remorse. 'Weak. Just like your father—' The sword I drive through his chest shuts him the hell up."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "I was lonely in a way that I imagine stars to be, observed by everyone yet too far to be truly seen."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "But just because a fear has been conquered, doesn't mean it's enjoyable to be confronted with again and again."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "Fate is a funny, fickle thing, offering you no choice in how you live."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "Every girl deserves something as equally pretty and deadly as they are,"

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "That girl—that haunted, weak girl begging for help, for love—is me. Without her, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I’m still haunted, maybe even still hoping for love, but I am no longer weak because of it."

― Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "For the reckless souls who dare to love and be loved"

― Lauren Roberts, Reckless

  1. "I press a calloused palm to the stubborn beat of my heart, proof that broken things can still serve a purpose."

― Lauren Roberts, Reckless

  1. "Perhaps you may not need powers to be powerful."

— Lauren Roberts, Powerless

  1. "To the girls with softer dreams – your purpose is just as powerful!"

― Lauren Roberts, Powerful


We hope that you got inspired, and let the romanticism flows undisturbed through your veins, after finishing our humble collection of the “Powerless Trilogy” quotes. Join BookTok’s craze for the most trending romantasy book of the year. Follow the hashtags #paedynandkai if you want to fill your fyp with amazing fanart and reactions from book lovers all around the globe, or find out more about the Powerless book aesthetic. Otherwise, you can click and be transferred to our Powerless World, made by Crewfiction with magic.

This book should definitely decorate your already overweight and struggling bookshelf.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is the book Powerless spicy?

No Powerless book by Lauren Roberts is not spicy, There are no explicit scenes. Lauren Roberts wanted to keep it young-adult, as she has announced herself. However, the banter and the tension between Paedyn and Kai is so thick it can be caught with a knife!

What is the story of Powerless Lauren Roberts?

In Powerless by Lauren Roberts, Paedyn Gray, an Ordinary with no magical abilities, hides in the slums after her father’s murder by the King. Thrust into the Purging Trials, Paedyn must navigate dangerous challenges and political intrigue while hiding her true identity. Themes of power, resistance, and identity drive this gripping fantasy tale.

What genre is Powerless by Lauren Roberts?

"Powerless" by Lauren Roberts is a young adult, romance, and fantasy book that you will find in every book recommendation video on TikTok under the hashtag "romantasy".

Who are the main characters in the novel "Powerless" by Lauren Roberts?

The main characters in "Powerless" by Lauren Roberts are: Paedyn Grey, a human who is chosen to participate in the deadly Purging Trials, Kai Azer, the future Enforcer of the king, Kitt Azer, the future king, and Edric Azer, the current King of Ilya.

Nina Siscou
Article written by:

Nikki Sheryee

Nikki Sheryee insists that she’s “up to no good” whenever she’s in the company of books. Armed with a degree in English Language and Literature, she wields the power of words like a mischievous wizard. Her lifelong dream? To be the editor who sprinkles magic dust on manuscripts! To Nikki, a book is more alive than a caffeinated squirrel on roller skates. Readers nurture it, cuddle it, scold it, and occasionally challenge it to a duel! But in the end, a book does its own thing, pulling at our heartstrings and revealing our inner human-ness. Nikki’s favorite pastime? Well, it’s none other than the noble art of daydreaming! And she wears her daydreamer’s badge with pride, sharing this delightful delusion with the crème de la crème of her friends.