The Cruel Prince Characters: Everything You Need to Know

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June 11, 2024
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When looking for an intriguing, dark, and twisted young adult fantasy series with just enough spice and romance, then “The Cruel Prince” is the one for you. In the words of Victoria Aveyard, Holly Black is the Faerie Queen, and the Folk of the Air book series is a must for any respectable fantasy reader. Unlike traditional fantasy romance books like ACOTAR, the Cruel Prince series is a highly mind-jarring, strategy-focused story, where every character presents a riddle, and a twist is hiding in every corner. Romance is only the subplot that makes the characters easy to understand and identify with, but strategic thinking, planning, and scheming take center stage in this intricate world-building. 

In the following blog post, we will attempt to break down the characters, and get to the core of what makes them so special and insanely attractive! Visit our Folk of the Air world for more content on Holly Black’s faerie fantasy. 

Be warned, fellow bookworms, spoilers for the whole series loom ahead!

The Cruel Prince Main Characters

No matter what type of reader you are, Holly Black can scratch every intellectual or emotional itch, with extreme dexterity and masterful writing. But what is most impressive is the depth of her characters. Each character is a unique archetype with real feelings, irrational fears and thoughts, and natural impulses and instincts. As many readers say, it’s not the plot, but the characters that make or break a book, and Holly Black does not play around. 

Let’s delve into our main schemers!

Jude Duarte

Cardan Greenbriar


Taryn Duarte





Jude Duarte (mortal)

Jude, the Queen of spies, the High King’s Seneschal, and eventually the High Queen of Elfhame. On the cusp of 18 in the first book of the trilogy, the beautiful yet troubled mortal catches the Prince’s eye, and for good reason. 


Jude is one of the few mortals in Faerieland along with her twin sister Taryn. At first, she is impatient and impulsive, often focusing on immediacy rather than the bigger picture. She has learned the hard way that humans can only suffer in Faerie. Yet, Jude is far from a silent victim; her fiery resilience opens doors to a network of spies called the Court of Shadows, where her humanity becomes her greatest asset. Unlike the faeries, who cannot lie, Jude wields deception as a potent weapon, turning her supposed weakness into a formidable strength. Jude knows that to survive it means to be cunning, fearless, and able to outsmart your opponent before they even consider you an enemy. 

She is prepared to do anything, from poisoning herself to taking out any threats—just ask Valerian. Jude not only does not crack under her own sister’s betrayal but seizes control of Faerie by making Cardan swear to obey her and become King. From banding with outcasts to falling for her nemesis, Jude makes us root for her at every twist and turn. Her love story with Cardan is intoxicating, keeping us on the edge of our seats as they both grow, forgive, and forget—they are way better people than us because Taryn would definitely be banished from Faerie if we had any say. Though Jude is desperately in love with Cardan, she will not hesitate to slay the serpent he turns to, as a desperate last hope to get him back—and we couldn’t be more grateful she did. 

Cardan Greenbriar (faerie)

The Cruel Prince himself, the last child of the High King Eldred and Jude’s nemesis. As flawless as he is flawed, Cardan is an enigma. He cannot keep his hand or his tail away from his sweet villain.


Perhaps the most complicated and twisted of the characters, Cardan is the epitome of cruelty. His obsession with Jude and her acceptance in Faerie stems from his deeply troubled childhood. Born under the shadow of a bad omen, he is abandoned and ostracized by everyone. His brother Balekin takes him under his protection, nurturing his cruel tendencies and using punishment as a means of teaching. 

Cardan views his attraction to Jude as a sickness, masking it with relentless bullying, drunken escapades, and a tarnished reputation. Despite his harsh exterior, he secretly longs for a kind word from her. Even when Jude deceives him, he cannot bring himself to hate her. As he ascends to the throne as High King of Elfhame, he begins to care for his people and embrace his responsibilities. Once his vulnerable side makes an appearance, Jude stands no chance against his mystical allure—and who can blame her? He picks Jude knowing she will do what must be done, and it’s proven true when the curse from the Blood Crown Grimsen made is activated, and he is turned into a serpent, which Jude will slay to get him back. 

Madoc (redcap)

The Grand General of Elfhame. Vivienne’s real father, and the only parental figure for Jude and Taryn after murdering their parents. Madoc is a redcap, meaning a wolf species that revels in war and dips his cap in the blood of his enemies— pretty intense if you ask us.


Madoc takes Taryn’s and Jude’s upbringing pretty seriously after his kills their human mother Eva and their father, Justin Duarte. He has trained them both in self-defense and swordsmanship but has taken the extra step with Jude’s training in strategy. He married Oriana, a past lover of the High King, while high-jacking his child from his dying lover, and lived. From the very beginning, Madoc exercises great power and does not hesitate to use it in the massacre of the royal family. Protecting his family might be a priority, but his insatiable ambition drives him to seek more. 

When Jude manages to outsmart him, his awe turns to a thirst for revenge, and he declares her his enemy. With his dying breath, he fights for what he believes is right, and we can’t help but admire his resilience. Although his violent tendencies mark him as a villain, his caring nature and undeniable intelligence make him a character we love to hate.

Taryn Duarte(mortal)

Jude’s twin sister, Locke’s wife and widow, Taryn is a questionable character. Her appearance might be identical to Jude’s but her docile nature and desire for love and marriage, set the two sisters miles apart.


Despite having grown up in Faerie as a mortal, Taryn has not been bullied or harassed as Jude or Vivi by the humans. This might be due to her subservient nature, or the fact that she is willing to betray anyone to achieve her goal. Convinced by Locke’s promise and her love for him, she is swept into an elaborate scheme and gets her dream wedding while Jude gets to be a seneschal. 

However, soon enough, trouble in paradise brews. Her darling husband cannot seem to keep away from drama, and his sweet nothings are heavily shadowed by his reckless behavior. Taryn is seen as the kind and easy-going sister, favored by her stepmother for her demeanor, but she quickly takes action when Locke's attention wanes. Maybe the two sisters aren’t so unlike when it comes to efficiency and determination, after all. 

Vivienne (faerie)

The oldest sister, Madoc’s real daughter and consequently part of Faerie. Her mother left Madoc, while still pregnant, hoping to bring Vivi up away from Madoc and the foul faeries, but alas, Vivi was brought right back to Elfhame. 


Vivi is fearless and strong, but does not share Jude’s violent tendencies or Taryn’s ambition. But she does not hesitate to make her displeasure known when Madoc or Faerieland is involved. As the only "Duarte" sister with the ability to do magic, Vivi often escapes to the mortal realm, where she meets her girlfriend, Heather. Her charm, craftiness and joyful demeanor set her apart from the sisters, making her the glue that holds them together. 

She stands by both Jude and Taryn in a moment of need and even stepped up to take Oak, Prince Dain’s child and Cardan’s nephew, to keep him safe and hidden. While Jude and Taryn see Madoc as their "father" and hold some affection for him, Vivi plans to spend her life away from Faerie—and who doesn't love an independent queen?

Locke (faerie)

Taryn’s husband, the High King’s Master of Revels and professional drama seeker. Locke is in it for the plot and as he said to Jude, he is willing to stir things up to make a story happen when it gets too boring. 


Don’t let his beautiful exterior fool you, Locke is as sly as they come, aptly likened to a fox. Supposedly caring for Jude, he shows her his world, but does nothing to stop Cardan cruel teasing. When it comes out that he had been playing a game all along and Taryn is his real intended bride, his ruthlessness and emotional shallowness surface. Despite achieving his goal of marrying Taryn and causing discord between the sisters, he remains unsatisfied.

Locke craves thrill and intrigue, seeking it by getting back into Cardan's favor and becoming his Master of Revels. Perhaps, losing his mother, Liriope, at a young age has something to do with his twisted ways. Underestimating Jude and playing with Cardan’s feelings in “The Wicked King” are some of his critical mistakes, highlighting how inadequate he feels. This thrill-seeker will ultimately meet a grim end at Taryn’s hand and be swiftly forgotten by all.

Nicasia (mermaid)

Prince of the Undersea and daughter of Queen Orlagh, Nicasia is part of Prince Cardan's inner circle. She was once Cardan’s lover, but fell for one of Locke’s tricks and has been struggling to regain back Cardan’s love, but to no avail.


Nicasia nurtures strong hatred for Jude, because she can sense Cardan’s attraction to her.
She is cunning and goes out of her way just to make Jude’s life harder. The first one to be fooled by Locke, Nicasia warns Jude in her own uniquely vague and hateful way—but who can blame a hurt Princess? Like Cardan, she seeks to assert power through her royal status.

In the second book, desperate to win Cardan, Nicasia aids her mother and Prince Balekin, Cardan’s brother, in kidnapping and torturing Jude. However, she will be forgiven and tasked with being the representative of the Undersea. Though her need for love and affection does not exactly make her redeemable, she is fiercely loyal and will fight tenaciously for those she loves.

Oak (faerie)

Prince Dain’s and Liriope’s child, Madoc and Oriana’s stepson, and Locke’s half-brother. His horns are his animal trait betraying his heritage and is taken to the human world from a young age. 


Oak is a peculiar and playful child, loving towards his sisters, adored by Oriana, and able to use magic without even realizing it. Born from a forbidden affair between Prince Dain and Liriope, he is protected fiercely by Oriana and Madoc, but he is also the key to Madoc's ambitions.

Even while away from Faerie, Jude, Taryn, and Vivi strive to prepare him for his inevitable return, all while allowing him to experience a normal childhood. When the Court of Teeth demands his betrothal to Queen Suren, Oak shows his caring and kind nature by insisting that Jude ensures Suren is freed from her parents' control.

However, there is much more to Oak's story in The Stolen Heir Duology, so be sure to read it to uncover all the layers of his character and destiny.

And now it’s time to take a look at our secondary characters!

The Cruel Prince Supporting Characters

Cardan and Jude’s romance might be stealing the show, but there are many supporting characters in the Folk of the Air Series. An excellent storyteller, Holly Black has given almost all supporting characters detailed backgrounds and compelling stories, making them vital for the plot’s development. From the Court of Shadows to the Court of Teeth, let’s delve into the heroes behind the protagonists. 

Oriana (faerie)

Madoc’s wife, Oak’s adoptive father, King Eldred’s past lover and Liriope’s best friend. Oriana may come off as a bit arrogant and cold towards Jude, but with her background, we can let some of it go.


Oriana is another one of those seemingly bad, but inherently good characters. She risked treason to save Liriope’s son, and even married Madoc to protect Oak and his secret heritage. She only reveals her past when she tries to warn Jude and not to gain her sympathy. Her relationship with Jude is tense; despite being a fighter herself, Oriana doesn't commend Jude's fighting spirit and instead advises her to lie low and be agreeable like Taryn.

However, when it comes to Oak, Oriana's protective instincts shine through. She will fight fiercely for him and even supports Jude's plan to take Oak to the safety of the mortal world, despite the personal pain of being separated from him. Oriana's actions reveal her deep, unwavering love and commitment to those she cares about, showcasing her complex and multifaceted character.

Balekin Greenbriar (faerie)

High King Eldred’s firstborn son, leader of the Circle of Grackles and Madoc’s conspirator. Balekin is ambitious and will stop at nothing to achieve his goal, even massacring his whole family to get the crown.


In any other fantastical royal family, Balekin would have been the heir to the crown. But in Holly Black’s world, the High King can choose any of his children as the heir, and Balekin definitely does not take kindly to that. He is cunning, conniving and devoid of moral boundaries. He stands by and watches as his entire family, including his favorite sister, Elowyn, are eliminated one by one.

When the crown is placed on Cardan’s head, Balekin’s bitterness and jealousy erupt. Even from imprisonment, he manages to secure an alliance with the Undersea and orchestrates Jude’s kidnapping. But Balekin picked the wrong mortal girl to mess with. His fate was sealed the moment he attempted to kill Cardan under Jude’s watchful eye. The rest is Elfhame history.

The Roach (goblin)

The Roach, or Van in reality, is the leader of the Court of Shadows, Prince Dain’s network of spies, the Roach will teach both Jude and Cardan stealth and magic tricks. When Dain falls, he will stay with Jude and will serve Cardan.


The Roach is brave, protective and kind. He trains all of Dain’s spies, along with the Bomb and the Ghost, and when Cardan ascends to the throne, the Roach and the Court of Shadows will protect both him and Jude. His background remains mysterious until the Bomb reveals that they were once captured by the Court of Teeth, with Van eventually sacrificing himself, so she could escape.

As this truth comes to light, it’s only a matter of time before romance blossoms between the two spies. The Roach's near-death experience in “The Queen of Nothing” certainly speeds up their confession of feelings, bringing them closer together.

The Bomb (faerie)

Liliver aka the Roach’s sweetheart, part of the Court of Shadows and Jude’s friend. Just like her name implies, she is a firecracker, with lots of energy that she happily puts into making explosives.


The Bomb is brave yet reckless, cautious yet playful, and one of the most likeable characters in the story. From the moment Jude joins the Court of Shadows, the Bomb is the most approachable. Over the course of the trilogy, she and Jude develop a mutual understanding that blossoms into friendship.

Jude’s discovery of the Bomb’s feelings for the Roach marks a turning point in their relationship. But don’t worry, dear bookworm, Liliver does get her happy ending with the Roach. They will live happily ever after while protecting the High King and Queen.

Queen Suren (faerie)

Suren is the daughter of Lord Jarel and Lady Nore. She is the Queen of the Court of Teeth, despite being 10 years old.


Suren is a quite unique character from the moment she enters the equation. Her parents have her on a literal leash and her behavior is quite unusual as well. Her parents demand of Jude for Suren to marry Oak, but Jude cleverly finds a way out of it. Oak, determined to ensure Suren is treated fairly, works with Jude to free her from her parents' control. Who knows, maybe one day she will repay the favor.

That’s all we are willing to say about this bizarre Queen. Read “The Stolen Heir” to find out more. 

The Bottom Line

The world of Elfhame and all its courts are truly a fascinating realm that will entice even the most demanding of bookworms. We know a huge TBR list is one of the most frequent bookworm problems, but if the Folk of the Air is not already on your list, you're truly missing out. Twists, turns, tension and uncontrollable feelings will definitely leave you swooning and wanting for more. 

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Now let’s take a look at some frequently asked questions about the Folk of the Air series. 

Who is the main character in The Cruel Prince?

The main character of the Cruel Prince is Jude Duarte, a human teenager who lives in the magical realm of Faerie. Her perspective is highlighted through first person narration, as we see her inner thoughts, feelings and realizations as she navigates the politics of Faerie. 

How old is the main character in The Cruel Prince?

Jude Duarte is seventeen years old at the beginning of the story, a year or so younger than Prince Cardan. Jude has lived almost her whole life in Faerie, but she is mortal, which means she does age normally, unlike the faeries. Both Cardan and Jude attend school lessons in Faerie.

Who does Taryn fall in love with in The Cruel Prince?

Taryn Duarte, Jude’s twin sister, falls in love with Locke. Their relationship is quite strange, as Locke decides to test her love by courting Jude. Taryn resilience is rewarded when she is finally married to Locke, but their marriage won’t last long. When she eliminates Locke, she is already pregnant with his child. 

Nina Siscou
Article written by:

Christina Tsoukala

Always living in her own enchanted little world, Christina discovered the magic that can be hidden within the pages of a book when one dares to take a closer look from a tender age. An avid reader, she is constantly inspired to delve into the secrets woven between the lines and challenges herself to find her own voice amidst the chaos. She is a dedicated fan of the classics, but the supernatural creatures that have tormented readers for years are her kryptonite. The mastery it takes to infuse the author's essence, molded by the era they grew up in to their innermost desires fascinates her. Undoubtedly, putting her passion and knowledge on paper has a mesmerizing allure on her, and following the steps of so many other dreamers before her she wishes to leave her mark in the literary world. Guided by T.S Eliot’s haunting words: “I will show you fear in a handful of dust” she intends to wreak havoc in the minds of her future readers.