Crescent City Character Breakdown: Powers and Relationships

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July 30, 2024
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It has come to our attention that some bookworms are unaware of Lunathion and its hidden gems, and we are here to rectify that. All fans of Sarah J. Maas know of ACOTAR and Throne of Glass, but not everyone has delved into Crescent City series yet. Do I have to read Crescent City as well, you may ask, and the answer is yes, if you want to live the full Maasverse experience. All Sarah J. Maas series are connected, which means the unique universes of Prythian, Lunathion and Erilea are only different sides of the same coin. 

Similarly to her other two series, Crescent City has strong, unique, masterfully written characters that make the reader want to root and fight for. The construction and depth of each character is one of the things SJM does best, as she has proven with her compelling ACOTAR characters and the iconic ToG characters, and it certainly adds to the intricate world-building in her books. In case you are curious, take our quiz to find out which ACOTAR character you are.

Let’s meet our favorite thrill-seeking, rule-defying, ass-kicking rascals. But be warned, dear bookworms, there will be inevitable spoilers ahead. 

Let’s light it up, dear bookworms!

Who are the main characters of Crescent City?

Bryce Quinlan, the super magical fancy Starborn Princess


Species: Half-fae, half-human


  • Starlight
  • Starfire
  • Teleportation

Bryce is the protagonist of Crescent City. She is the daughter of the Autumn King, Einar Danaan, and the iconic Ember Quinlan. As a half-fae, half-human—or halfling as some call her—she has faced great adversity and discrimination growing up. Danika Fendyr, her best friend, along with Fury Axtar, and Juniper Andromeda helped her face it all by partying hard and worrying later. Danika’s loss is definitely a catalyst for Bryce’s growth. Others may think of her as a silly party girl, but don’t be fooled, as the old Prime said in the epic scene she runs to the defense of the innocent humans in Asphodel fields in House of Earth and Blood, Bryce is a wolf who is ready to devour anyone that stands in her way. 

Bryce is kind, loving and caring, but she can become a wild as a caged animal when innocents are threatened. Anything or anyone who stands in her way shall perish to ashes and be sucked by a vacuum cleaner—just ask the Archangel Micah Domitus, he would know. Hunt Athalar, Bryce’s mate and most passionate supporter, can also confirm. Daring, cunning, and smart, Bryce was able to not only locate the Kristallos demons attacking Lunathion, but even expose the Asteri and their intergalactic parasitic conspiracy. She managed to defeat them, save Midgard and reclaim her birthright, and become Queen of the Valbaran Fae. But as the Queen she is, no sooner does she get crowned than she abolishes Fae monarchy. In House of Flame and Shadow, Bryce claims Theia’s star, making her one of the strongest SJM characters. 

Orion “Hunt” Athalar, the scrumptious Umbra Mortis


Species: Malakh


  • Helfire in the form of lightning
  • Flight 

One of the fallen angels, Archangel Shahar’s High Commander and Micah’s Umbra Mortis, Hunt is extremely powerful. After the failed rebellion of Mount Hermon, Hunt is captured by the Asteri and marked with the letters SPQM, the letters of slavery. They even constrict his powers by placing a magical thorny halo on his brow, but even then, Hunt’s gift is way too valuable to waste. As the Umbra Mortis, he exterminates demons and in exchange, his sentence is shortened. 

Trapped in this reality, Hunt sees no other way to exist until he is tasked to solve a series of mysterious murders alongside Bryce. Their teamwork manages to bring him out of his stupor, and a deep bond is forged between them. Supportive, brave and greatly dedicated to his own, he is an ideal book boyfriend through and through. At the end of HoEaB, he will choose to sacrifice himself for Bryce. His freedom from the Asteri and Bryce will be his reward. But the quiet before the storm is always the worst, and in House of Sky and Breath he will be back in the Asteri’s dungeons. His love for Bryce and longing for freedom will guide him through, until he is reunited with her. Together they discover his origins and defeat the Asteri!

Ruhn Danaan, former Crown Prince of the Valbaran Fae


Species: Fae


  • Telepathy
  • Shadows 
  • Healing magic
  • Starlight (weaker than Bryce)

Verbally and physically abused by his father, Ruhn is a damaged Prince, using ink to cover his myriad scars. He loves Bryce and has always considered her his sister, despite their many years of not talking. Valiant, charming and incredibly handsome, Ruhn is beloved by his people and the readers. His calm yet fiery personality combined with his unerring moral compass are some of his strongest traits—and let’s not forget that he knew three things for certain 😏. 

Even though he is underestimated by the Autumn King, Ruhn claimed the Starsword in his Ordeal, proving he is a Starborn Prince, a highly honored trait in the Fae world. He will choose to stand by Bryce, defy his father and the rules to do what’s right. And Sarah J. Maas will reward him with his mate, Lidia. Ruhn is honorable as they come, but he does not hesitate to call others out. His bromance with Declan and Flynn is awe-inspiring and endearing. 

Lidia Cervos, the Hind


Species: Deer shifter


  • Deer Form
  • Fire

The Asteri’s most ruthless spy-hunters, Lidia, has a very complex and long background. Daughter of the Queen of Witches, Hecuba, and an unnamed deer shifter, she is brought up in a very disciplined manner and is Hypaxia’s half sister. Formerly part of Sandriel’s vicious triarii and deeply hated by Hunt, she will turn the tables by working with Ophion—the human rebels—against the Asteri with the code name Agent Daybright. 

As Daybright she will first talk with Ruhn through his telepathy, as Day and Night. She is in an abusive relationship with Pollux—who does not deserve his own section, but she will soon realize Night is the one for her. She struggles with self-acceptance, but her passion and clever mind get her through. When Ruhn is captured, she will risk everything in her power to help him, even her life. Her fire powers are only revealed at the end of HoFaS linking her to our one and only fire-breathing Queen Aelin Galathynius, and that’s not her only secret. 

Danika Fendyr, leader of the Pack of Devils and Bryce’s best friend


Species: Wolf shifter


  • Wolf form
  • Bloodhound abilities

Undoubtedly, one of the saddest, most tragic and unexpected plot twists SJM has pulled, is Danika’s death. In her effort to expose the Asteri, Danika is caught and injected with Synth—a very dangerous synthetic drug— which results in her slaughtering her pack of wolves, including Bryce’s romantic interest, Connor, and then losing her our own life, too. Her death is the starting point of a series of events, and her research is what guides Bryce and the others in the whole series. Her own mate Baxian, another member of Sandriel’s triarii will choose to help Bryce and Hunt in their quest in Danika’s memory. We definitely did not get enough of Danika in HoEaB, so we demand a prequel. 

Tristan Flynn, Ruhn best friend


Species: Fae


  • Earth magic

Tristan is one of Ruhn’s best friends, or brother as they call themselves. He is a lord in the Valbaran Fae hierarchy, lives with Ruhn and Declan, and loves his life as a bachelor and member of the Auxiliary. When Ruhn is captured he is willing to scour the storm Pangera, the capital, just to get him back. His flirtatious character does him no favors when it comes to Ariadne, a dragon. Will he manage to soften her fiery heart? It remains to be seen. 

Declan Emmet, Ruhn’s other best friend


Species: Fae


  • Healing magic

Dec is the computer brainiac of the Aux and Ruhn’s loyal friend. Ruhn, Dec and Flynn are inseparable and even experienced their ordeal together. Dec’s logical and think-first-act-later nature, make him the most mature of the two. He and his boyfriend Marc, who is a lawyer, take care of all the legal and surveillance issues that may arise. 

Hypaxia Enador, the Queen of Witches and head of the House of Flame and Shadow


Species: Witch


  • Necromancy
  • Healing magic
  • Wind magic

Hypaxia was formerly betrothed to Ruhn Danaan and dated the Archangel Celestina, before she learned of her betrayal of Hunt and Bryce. She is kind, compassionate and eager to help others in need. She even pretended to be a Medwitch to experience freedom before her ascension as the Witch Queen. However, her reign did not last long, as she was banished and defected to the House of Flame and Shadow, where she beat the Under King and became head of the house. 

Ithan Holstrom, our new Prime of Valbaran Wolves


Species: Wolf shifter


  • Wolf form
  • Elemental magic

Former CCU sunball captain, and the younger brother of Connor, Ithan has been through a lot lately. From his brother’s death to his exile from the Wolves, he took some hits but took them with grace and determination. His guilt for Connor’s death and impulsiveness will lead him to join Bryce in her battle and even find an alternative Fendyr heir, albeit it did not go as planned. 

Tharion Ketos, or captain whatever


Species: Mer


  • Mer form
  • Water magic

Speaking of impulsiveness, Tharion, the former Captain of Intelligence of The River Queen, takes the cake. One of the first few to help Bryce and Hunt, he will join them in their quest and will barely make an escape when Cormac blows the Asteri labs up. Foolishly enough, though, at the end of HoSaB, he will make a deal with the Viper Queen to save himself from the River Queen’s wrath. 

Baxian Argos, the Helhound


Species: Half-Malakh, half-shifter (helhound)


  • Helhound form
  • Flight

One of the tragedies often referred to but never really experienced in the Maasverse is losing one’s mate. Baxian is the only one who has suffered through this and lives to tell the tale. Barely after finding Danika, she is brutally killed and he is left bereft. Instead of drowning in sorrow, he makes amends for his past and helps defeat the Asteri.

Some honorable mentions

Jesiba Roga


Former Priestess at the Great Library of Parthos and owner of Griffin Antiquities with a soft spot for Bryce, Jesiba will make the ultimate sacrifice and give her life to save Bryce—pretty badass if you ask us.

Aidas, Prince of the Chasm


The white cat that consoled Bryce after her oracle reading and Theia’s mate. Aidas along with his brother Thanatos and Apollion will lend Bryce Hel’s armies against the Asteri.



The Sprites were one of the few who chose to rebel against the Asteri on Mount Hermon, and as such they were branded with the letters of slavery. Lehabah was Bryce’s friend and Athie’s biggest fan. She sacrificed herself to save Bryce, and we salute her bravery.

To sum up

There are countless more characters that changed the course of Midgard history and contributed to this spectacular series. If you haven’t delved into it, we suggest you do, as a pretty big crossover will take you back to the steps of Prythian. One thing is for sure, dear bookworms, we can always count on Sarah J. Maas to bring fairytales to our living room. 

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Nina Siscou
Article written by:

Christina Tsoukala

Always living in her own enchanted little world, Christina discovered the magic that can be hidden within the pages of a book when one dares to take a closer look from a tender age. An avid reader, she is constantly inspired to delve into the secrets woven between the lines and challenges herself to find her own voice amidst the chaos. She is a dedicated fan of the classics, but the supernatural creatures that have tormented readers for years are her kryptonite. The mastery it takes to infuse the author's essence, molded by the era they grew up in to their innermost desires fascinates her. Undoubtedly, putting her passion and knowledge on paper has a mesmerizing allure on her, and following the steps of so many other dreamers before her she wishes to leave her mark in the literary world. Guided by T.S Eliot’s haunting words: “I will show you fear in a handful of dust” she intends to wreak havoc in the minds of her future readers.