Farmer Boy

Farmer Boy

Can Almanzo's Hard Work Earn Him His Heart's Desire?

Farmer Boy

Farmer Boy

Can Almanzo's Hard Work Earn Him His Heart's Desire?


While Laura Ingalls grows up on the prairie, young Almanzo Wilder is hard at work on his family's large farm in New York State. Amidst the endless chores of summer planting and fall harvests, chopping wood in winter, and cutting great slabs of ice from the frozen river, Almanzo dreams of just one thing: owning his very own horse.

Excitement fills the air when the jolly tin peddler visits or the fair comes to town, but Almanzo knows he must prove himself responsible to achieve his dream. As he helps his brother and sisters with the demands of farm life, he faces challenges that test his determination and courage.

Will Almanzo earn the trust he needs to make his wish come true? Dive into this captivating tale of ambition and hard work, and discover if Almanzo's greatest desire will become a reality.