The Two Towers
The Quest Darkens: Who Shadows Frodo and Sam on Their Perilous Journey?

The Two Towers
The Quest Darkens: Who Shadows Frodo and Sam on Their Perilous Journey?
Continue the epic adventure of The Lord of the Rings with The Two Towers. The quest to destroy the Ruling Ring becomes ever more perilous as Frodo and his Companions of the Ring face unimaginable dangers.
They have suffered the devastating loss of Gandalf in the Mines of Moria and the betrayal of Boromir, who was corrupted by the Ring's power.
Now, as Frodo and Sam journey alone down the River Anduin, a mysterious figure shadows their every move. Who is this enigmatic follower, and will they reach the Cracks of Doom before it's too late?
Experience the gripping continuation of the tale that began in The Fellowship of the Ring and moves toward a powerful climax in The Return of the King.