Fatal, Family, Album

Fatal, Family, Album

Joanna Campbell SlanJoanna Campbell Slan

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Fatal, Family, Album

Fatal, Family, Album

Joanna Campbell SlanJoanna Campbell Slan

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Kiki and her husband must ask themselves the toughest question they'll ever have to face: Can we trust this person with our kids?

>>>The answer might say more about them than it does about their nanny, Brawny.

But how can you trust someone whose whole life has been a lie? And boy, oh, boy, do Brawny's secrets bring up trust issues for everyone under Kiki's roof. Especially for Kiki's sensitive, thirteen-year-old daughter. (Will she ever get over this betrayal?)
>>>It all starts when a totally forgettable woman is found shot dead in her car... and whose fault is that? Given the number of blended families today, can a step-parent ever catch a break? Was the murder a drive-by shooting gone wrong? Or an intentional, targeted murder?
>>>One of Kiki's friends is accused of hiring a hitman, after a cashier's check for a million dollars goes missing. It's a puzzle with too many pieces, but Kiki's determined to see justice done.
>>>With a plot so timely it could have been ripped right out of the headlines, and questions as old as motherhood itself, Fatal, Family, Album works on a variety of levels. What do we owe the children of other people? How much can we ever trust another person? When do we, as parents, know it's time to trust our kids to make important decisions? And which love should prevail: that of one spouse for the other, or a parent for a child?
See why Publisher's Weekly calls Joanna Campbell Slan's books "a cut above the usual craft-themed cozy." This series is perfect for fans of Clare O'Donohue, Elaine Viets, Diane Mott Davidson, Brianna Bates, Laura Childs, Lois Winston, and Mollie Cox Bryan. If you like to be entertained, inspired, and educated, Joanna Campbell Slan writes the sort of books you'll love! Learn why readers call Kiki Lowenstein their "new best friend." Grab your copy today!

FREE GIFT: Get your copy of a full-length Kiki Lowenstein book. Go here-- https://bit.ly/BadMAlbum

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