Isobelle Cate

Isobelle Cate


Isobelle Cate, paranormal and contemporary romance author is a romantic at heart. She infuses her stories with history, magick, and off the charts steam. When she isn't writing, she immerses herself in reading, baking, and has taken up crocheting.

Isobelle is currently writing four series:

The Cynn Cruors Bloodline Series features vampire/werewolf hybrid highlanders whose mission is to keep humans safe from their nemesis, the Scatha Cruors.

The Firebinders Series features supernatural humans infused with fire in their blood that can both heal and kill.

The Dragon Hearts Series features dragonslayers whose objective is to kill their Omegas, dragons who are keepers of their souls. What happens when the keepers of their souls are also the women they love?

The Second Chances Series is a contemporary romance series about self-made millionaires, the women they fall for and the circumstances that nearly tear them apart.

Isobelle lives in Manchester with her family and their pet attack goldfish, Ninja.

Isobelle loves hearing and chatting with her readers. Feel free to contact her.