FreeBefore The Storm - A prequel story to Highlands’ Lost Valley

Before The Storm - A prequel story to Highlands’ Lost Valley

Beatrice McLintockBeatrice McLintock

A Highland warrior. A perilous journey. A storm on the horizon.

FreeBefore The Storm - A prequel story to Highlands’ Lost Valley

Before The Storm - A prequel story to Highlands’ Lost Valley

Beatrice McLintockBeatrice McLintock

A Highland warrior. A perilous journey. A storm on the horizon.



Rolland is a young, dedicated warrior of the Murray Clan, proud to serve and protect. When Lady Caitria must travel to the MacKenzie lands to visit her family, Rolland is entrusted with leading the escort. It's a seemingly straightforward mission, a chance to prove his loyalty and skill.

But whispers of a growing threat, a "mad king" stirring unrest in the Highlands, have begun to spread. And as Rolland prepares for the journey, a chance encounter with the captivating Niliana hints at dangers far greater than he anticipates.

As a dark cloud gathers over his home, Rolland must face not only the physical challenges of the road, but also unsettling premonitions and the weight of responsibility. Will he be able to safeguard his Lady and return to a clan untouched by the coming storm?

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