The Red Tent
Unveil the untold secrets within the Red Tent

The Red Tent
Unveil the untold secrets within the Red Tent
Step into the world of ancient womanhood, where traditions run deep and secrets are whispered within the sacred walls of the Red Tent.
In The Red Tent, Anita Diamant breathes life into the untold story of Dinah, a figure briefly mentioned in the Book of Genesis. While her father Jacob and his twelve sons command the spotlight, Dinah's own tale unfolds in the shadows, rich with passion, love, and resilience.
Raised by her mothers—Leah, Rachel, Zilpah, and Bilhah—the four wives of Jacob—Dinah receives gifts that carry her through a turbulent childhood, a calling to midwifery, and a journey to a foreign land. Her bond with these women weaves a tapestry of family, faith, and feminine strength.
As Dinah's story reaches across time, it forges an intimate connection with the past, revealing the hidden lives of biblical women. But what secrets lie within the Red Tent, and how will they shape Dinah's destiny?