The Legend of the Campbell Clan Books in Order

The lass he saved will be his way in.. As Moire struggles to stay alive on the shore they took her to die, all she can think of is the happy days of her family… Only moments before the light is lost from her eyes, a man she has never seen before approaches her. Laird Fergus Brodie has just suffered a terrible and unexpected defeat, but even so, he can not leave a poor lass helpless.. Fergus takes Moire, who is half-conscious, with his ship across the Highlands to the Isle of Skye, where his clan resides. When they settle in, Fergus feels like he has a scared animal in his room who can trust no one! Fergus is torn by his defeat, and taking care of Moire works as a therapy; If the lass can recover from her horrible past and forget the pain, maybe he can forget the man who caused him so much anger and shame.. But as the days go by, the word revenge echoes louder and louder in his head, and the name of “Ronald Campbell” burns his soul like hellfire. Trying to focus his thoughts elsewhere, as Moire is getting better, he tries to learn more about her. The girl has lost her parents and does not know where most of her siblings are, but Fergus admires that she is still vigorous. All she has now, Moire says, is her uncle and protector, Ronald Campbell.... As soon as Fergus hears that Moire is one of the Campbells, he makes unholy thoughts. The lass deserves nothing but rest and safety, but what if he can use her to get close to Laird Campbell and get his revenge? This will be a huge risk, but Fergus is prepared to die rather than disappoint his people and live his life in shame. He only promises not to harm Moire in the process.. The two begin the journey back to Moire’s home, but Fergus is not prepared for what he will encounter. The Campbell clan is suffering under the rule of Ronald, and Fergus feels that he must take this man down not only for his clan but also to save the Campbells too. The only problem is that he is now caring for the lass too much, and fate will make him decide between completing his plan and saving Moire.. "The Niece of His Highland Enemy" is a standalone story by best selling author Alisa Adams, packed with mystery, plot twists, and romance, set on the beautiful backdrop of the Scottish Highlands.

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